[geocentrism] Re: Celestial Poles

  • From: "Philip" <joyphil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 17:55:12 +1000

thats is what I am saying angles are angles     and the further the distance 
the greater the displacement., Phul 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Allen Daves 
  To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:33 AM
  Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Celestial Poles

  Correction: This is what I meant. 

  The further away the earth is from a given star the smaller the angle will be 
but the displacement of whatever that angle is will also be proportionally 

  Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Both GS and HC are essentially 
just a mathematical coordinate systems for what we observe here on Earth. A 
method for calculating how far away and where something is going to be at any 
given time in the heavens when we look up. The appearance of motion is 
identical, It is the theoretical motion that gets the stars and planets to the 
right place at the right time that differs. However, at externally large 
distances any discrepancies in the two methods for achieving those positions 
will show up. This is due to the fact that a ~.0000005 of a angel at the point 
of origin is imperceptible to the observer at the point of origin, however at 
430ly away it will displace ~7926 miles. The average male is 5'6". Relatively 
specking the displacement of that angle at that distance is overwhelmingly 
enormous compared to the observer. The further away the earth is from a given 
star the smaller the angle will be but so to will the displacement of w
   that angle is. Basically, we as the ob
  will always be microscopic compared to the displacement of the angles at 
those distances, thus we can observe this phenomena quite readily.

  It is interesting to note that the HC have estimated Polaris' distance from 
Earth to be everywhere from 360 to 820 light years . The 430ly figure is from 
the Hipparchus satellite estimates.

  j a wrote:"Incidentally, these star trails can only be explained by a 
rotating universe, rather than by a rotating World."

  Why is this true? I thought that the appearance of motion in either HC or GC 
were the same?

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