[gameprogrammer] Re: Fast development over multiple platforms, which language?

  • From: Scott Harper <lareon@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gameprogrammer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 07:50:44 -0700

> some people mensioned that you can compile java, which i suspected,
> and that you can use Open GL with it, which i didn't.
> can you give some links for these?

They list that through this, you gain platform native code bindings to 
all the OpenGL 1.5 API, as well as most all of the vendor extensions, 
all drawn through an AWT or Swing interface panel.

Interestingly enough, one could theoretically make JNI bindings for 
DirectX/3D drawing using Java.  Granted it would only work on systems 
which support DirectX *cough*Windows*cough*, but it COULD be done. ^_^

> also, i would always see java as interpreted; whats the difference
> between interpreting bytecode( effecively another architecture ) and
> interpreting BASIC style commands. its faster to interpret byte code
> but it is still iterpreted, yes? unless its compiled, which is
> confusing.

David Olofson offered a nice description of how this works, but here's 
how I understand it (and this understanding may be flawed, so...).  
Java bytecode is basically the next best thing from actual machine code 
-- your program has been parsed, etc... and worked down into a list of 
commands and addresses (as every program, since a processor can handle 
only one thing at a time, really), and the JVM needs only to take what 
it sees and perform the native system equivalent thereof.  And these 
JIT (Just In Time compilers) run through the code and optimise parts 
that are run frequently (as you run them), and when you run the Java 
app, it creates native machine code that it would've used after reading 
the bytecode, but puts it all together rather than sending things in 
one command at a time.

Again, my understanding may be flawed.


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