[softwarelist] Re: Imposition signatures?

  • From: John Cartmell <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: davidpilling@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2007 13:59:48 +0100

On 01 Jun, David Pilling <flist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In message <4eebce211cgav@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Gavin Crawford 
> <gav@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes
> >not much on RISC OS though! I guess the time has now passed for the
> >demand for such specialist software for the RISC OS market.

> >cheap option I can recommend Quite Imposing and Quite Imposing Plus from
> >www.quite.com - it works as a plug-in for Adobe Acrobat and offers a

> Points up some dilemmas for me - in other words one hundredth of the 
> time spent on OP writing a plug in for something else might have 
> produced a more viable product.

Produce a significant upgrade to Ovation Pro and you will receive income.
People want to give you money. Do a Martin Wuerthner and produce regular
upgrades to Ovation Pro, DPlngScan, and other software and you'll get a
(small!) regular income. Do that and demonstrate* it at shows and you'll
capture all the remaining Impression users too.
Why not (it's dead easy to ask impossible things of programmers! ;-) ... why
not produce a PostScript export for Ovation Pro, then a pdf export (that will
produce copy that commercial printers can use), then enable import of
previously exported pages into frames? I'd say charge £30 for each upgrade
spread over a couple of years - except that I'd like it all now. I would pay
£200 (make that £2000 if you'll take payment in advertising space) for that
commercial printer ready version of pdf export though.

I don't know how many copies you would sell - but I cannot imagine that it
would be less than the numbers of ArtWorks upgrades that Martin sells.

*I know you don't want to do this yourself. It would be best done that way but
you could find someone to do it for you. ROL found Steve Potts to demo RO6 at
the Wakefield Show. Others could be found to demo Ovation Pro on a regular
basis; say you'll do the upgrades and someone will be found.

        John Cartmell   john@xxxxxxxxxxxxx      0845 006 8822 or 0161 969 9820
        Qercus magazine FAX +44 (0)8700-519-527         www.finnybank.com
        Qercus - the best guide to RISC OS computing

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