[arachne] Re: Adobe swings and misses as PDF abuse worsens

  • From: "L.D. Best" <l.d.best@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: arachne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2009 15:08:08 -0500

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!


And even if they did care, they would have to find time to check all
possible ways the software could be used, in all possible hardware, all
possible operating systems, while operating with all possible TSRs or
multi-tasking with all possible software.

And also test all possible ways the software could be misused.

Even testing the software in isolation in one set of hardware, with one
operating system, takes an enormous amount of time. Every possible path
through it has to checked, bearing in mind that every conditional
command generates a completely new set of pathways.
Oh, I know. I've been there at the design and alpha test level. When we'd get what we thought was a stable version, I'd turn my 10yo son loose on it and tell him his job was to "break" the program. If he managed to find a flaw, it would be fixed.

Since DOS programs *will* run in Windoze, turning out a functional DOS program makes sense. Changing it to run in 'doze would *not* be that difficult, as long as you stuck to using what was designed into the progam and avoided depending upon all the built-in snit MS includes in its OSes.

Arachne at FreeLists -- Arachne, The Premier GPL Web Browser/Suite for DOS --

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