[tcb] Brian, Brian, Brian

  • From: "Denis Dodson" <coocoo@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 11:35:08 -0500

I don't want to knock Bay busses, my best friends are Bay bus people, but you 
are not going to find anyone to trade a Split for a Bay.  Splits are getting 
extremely rare really quickly. The only way to get one for anything like a 
realistic price is to find a complete piece of s*** and restore it. Or have an 
idiot for a brother in law.

Somebody, last week or so, left a '64 walkthrough panel at Wayout. It has small 
body metal spots and the floorboard under the driver and passenger is rusted 
through like Swiss cheese. The edge of the cargo door floor is rusted out, but 
that is about it for the body. It starts and stops and drives. It has head and 
tail lights, new glass all around. The owner wants $8500. That is too much for 
me, but I can see that it is probably not a bad price for a running bus.

Good luck.

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