[SI-LIST] Re: EMI simulation tools at PCB level

  • From: Scott McMorrow <scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sdb@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 10:56:17 -0500

Stuart Brorson wrote:

>I don't think Gerber is used as an input format for SI tools, is it?
Actually, believe it or not, Gerber is a format that can be used with 
some 3D fullwave solvers.  CST Microwave can use it.  And I seem to 
remember a path from Gerber to the HFSS format.  But ... it can get 
ugly.  The other format that is prevalent in the RF/ Microwave tool 
universe is DXF. Artwork Conversions (www.artwork.com) has some good 
tools that can be used to translate from Gerber to DXF and back again, 
along with some links to other RF tool formats.  Regarding what will 
happen to the files in a particular tool once they have been imported.  
Well that is a topic for a month's worth of discussions.  Generally I 
find that after translation into dxf, a good editor like Autocad or 
Solidworks is a must have to perform some cleanup of the design.

As for non-proprietary formats for PCB, flex, MCM,  and package design 
information exchanges, wouldn't that be nice?  Ff we had a robust 
universal design information exchange format, we would be able to pick 
and choose the best software for any particular job that we are doing.  
Unfortunately, this would run against the financial interests of most 
EDA vendors, which is exactly why we'll never see such a think in our 

As for solving the entire electrical, electromagnetic and numerical 
environment of a common PCB, with the thought of correlating to far 
field emissions from thousands of potential radiating elements, that 
sounds like a good DARPA project on a massively parallel processor.  No 
one else has that kind of money to fund research that will never find a 
commercial market.



Scott McMorrow
Grand Poobah
Teraspeed Consulting Group LLC
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