[ScintillaNET] Newbie - please help me get started

  • From: Todd Davis <toddhd@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ScintillaNET@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 17:05:57 -0400

I just downloaded ScintillaNET from sourceforge. It sounds like what I need,
but when I download the zip file, all I get is two *.dll's and scide.exe. No
docs, no samples, no explanations. I know to add the *.dll as a reference in
my project, and can add it to the form. But right now all it does is work
more or less like a textbox.
 How do I get it to color code my text, or use line numbers, or collapse
sections, or any of that cool stuff? Where can I find some docs or samples?
 Any help to get me off the ground with this would be GREATLY appreciated.

-Todd Davis
www.SeaburyDesign.com <http://www.SeaburyDesign.com>

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