[sac-board] Re: SAC 2002 Budget and 2003 Recommendations

  • From: "Jack Jones" <spicastar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <sac-board@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2002 11:44:12 -0700

An auction would be fun and good way to equitably parse out the goods. You
could go up or down in the price and ensure all would be sold and get a good
price for the coveted items and something at least for the odd items. I
would love to be an auctioneer but would want to buy stuff too! For
instance, start at $5 and go up or else go down to $4 etc until somebody
goes for it!

I think the $300 for the GCSP is a transcription error. It should be $200.
Or else the cost was upped for one year only due to unforseen extra expense
that year only. I will not spend more than $200 this year. Doing it is yes a
chore and it takes a club volunteer to set it up with Dean well in advance
and then they have to be up there to do it. If no one does then it's not
done that year. I don't know how much longer GCSP is going to last either
with Dean maybe retiring ne of these years. Peggy volunteered one year and
Jenn had it one year, and both I think are of the opinion they wouldn't do
it again. My turn now, I'll see how it goes for me. I have old brochures to
hand out too.

Jack Jones
Saguaro Astronomy Club
Lunar List Awards and
Messier Marathon Co-coordinator
Phoenix AZ

Jack and I discussed the idea of a swap meet to sell items.  He felt
it was a bad idea because items would end up going to whoever showed
up first and we would find it difficult to track what was paid for and
what wasn't, and people bringing in the items would not have a change
to purchase things (unless they only carried in what they wanted to
buy).  It would be much better to auction off the items.

SAC owns 2 C-8 telescopes and a Pierre built 6" Dob.  If we could find
them, maybe we could sell them.


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