[rollei_list] Re: [rollei_list]

  • From: CarlosMFreaza <cmfreaza@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2010 22:46:30 -0300

My post makes a lot of sense, you talked about Siribé like documentary
photographer and you also wrote he shoots rectangular frames mostly,
it's not true, he shot a lot of squares for his documentary and
fashion and portraits work. Your previous post had nothing to do with
the topic I suggested to the group, it was a general and abstract
statement that I had put in the context of your comment about Siribé
documentary work, and the meaning is obvious, in documentary
photography you need to adapt your composition frame (form) according
the subject features and the camera and lens you are using, the square
format has the advantage that you can compose for the square or you
can compose for the rectangular vertical and horizontal format using
the square and to crop it afterwards, it means that the form is a
simple function of the content according you composed the content.
And these are some Sidibé squares and almost squares:






etcetera, etcetera.



2010/3/1  <marvin0@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Carlos, thanks for taking the time reply to my post. However, I can't make 
> any sense out of your post. You seem to hame written a tautological statement.
> Marvin.
> ---
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