
  • From: "Fr. Pat Umberger" <frpat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Fr. Pat Umberger" <frpat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 20:17:19 -0500

.=:  M O R N I N G    P R A Y E R  :=.
     from Father Pat Umberger

H O L Y    L A N D    2 0 0 7
04-15 November.  The brochure is now on line!
$2599 from Minneapolis, $2499 from JFK in New York

S I N G L E    T R A V E L E R S    T O O !
Roommate needed!

Our Pilgrimages are very friendly to single travelers.  Some elect to pay
the single room supplement and have a room of their own. The group is always
very friendly and inviting and folks have had no problem fitting in.
Pentecost Tours does its best to find roommates for single travelers who
don't want to pay the supplement. One lady is currently considering the
Pilgrimage but is in need of a female roommate. Perhaps that is just what
you need to hear.  If so, just let me know!

This Holy Week heard many places in the Holy Land mentioned in the
Scriptures.  We'll visit most if not all of them on our November Pilgrimage
to the Holy Land. Visit my Web Site for complete details.  You can sign up
any time now, and we expect this one to fill up quickly. Gary says the Holy
Land has been their most popular destination!  Why not sign up on Holy Week.

And, if you sign up, let me know so I can keep track of the group! Just
follow the link from:  www.frpat.com

.=:  M O R N I N G    P R A Y E R  :=.
     From Father Pat Umberger

.=:  S C R I P T U R E   F O R   T H E   D A Y  :=.

"What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is
spirit.  Do not be astonished that I said to you, 'You must be born from
above.'  The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but
you do not know where it comes from or where it goes.  So it is with
everyone who is born of the Spirit."  ~John 3:6-8

.=:  M E D I T A T I O N   F O R   T H E   D A Y  :=.

Once I am "born of the spirit," that is my life's breath.  Within me is the
life of life, so that I can never perish.  The life that down the ages has
kept God's children through peril, adversity and sorrow. I can try never to
doubt or worry, but follow where the life of the spirit leads.  How  often,
when little I know it, God goes before me to prepare the way, to soften a
heart, or to overrule a resentment. As the life of the spirit grows, natural
wants become less important.

.=: P R A Y E R   F O R   T H E   D A Y  :=.

I pray that my life may become centered in God more than in self.  I pray
that my will may be directed toward doing God's will.

.=: S C R I P T U R E S   A N D   S A I N T   O F   T H E   D A Y :=

Scriptures: http://www.nccbuscc.org/nab/

Saint of the Day: http://www.americancatholic.org/Features/SaintofDay/ 

.=: W E     P R A Y  :=.

We pray for unity in our country and that we may build a Culture of Life. We
pray for the safety of our troops, their safe return and their families at
home.  We pray for a deep and profound respect for life, and for the courage
and willingness to stand up for life. We pray for one another, for those who
have asked our prayers and for those who need our prayers the most. Have a
good day!

May God Bless you and those you love, and keep you safe!

Father Pat

      "Be still and know that I am God." ~Psalm 46:10 

Keep me in your prayers and know you're remembered in mine as well.   May
God continue to draw near to you and those you love and keep you safe!

All the best and God Bless,

Father Pat
        "Be still and know that I am God."  ~Psalm 46:10
Fr. Pat's Web Site
Reaching Out
Parish Site
Sponsor a Child!

<MP>Morning Prayer is free, and comes from:
Father Pat Umberger, a priest of the Diocese of La Crosse
in Wisconsin U.S.A.
Web Site: www.frpat.com   
Evangelization (reaching out): www.cmonback.com   

.=:  M A K E    A    D O N A T I O N ?  :=.


.=:  F O R W A R D I N G  :=.

Please leave these credits when doing so.

based on "God Calling, by Two Listeners," 
A.J. Russell, ed. Forward to friends, 
but please leave this tag intact.

.=: C H A N G E  Y O U R  S U B S C R I P T I O N :=.

Unsubscribe from your old address before you subscribe with your
new address.  Use this link:  www.frpat.com/morningprayer.htm#mp    

.=: S U B M I T  A  P R A Y E R :=.

Intentions to be included with <MP>Morning Prayer:

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