[lit-ideas] Re: SUNDAY POEM

  • From: Ursula Stange <Ursula@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 16:40:25 -0500

Charming as always, Mike. Puts me in mind of Orwell's "A happy vicar I might have been"... You know you've done something good when your stuff sends people, looking to prolong the moment, remembering previous pleasures...

Happy Sunday to you,

Mike Geary wrote:
SERMON I should have been a Monsignor by now,
rewarded for my skill in avoiding scandal.
A beloved pastor I'd be, kindly and forgiving,
understanding of our human foibles,
a source of solace
absolving those who have sinned
and again
and again.
"Let me tell you about God,"
I would start my Sunday sermon,
were I the Monsignor I should be:
"That raucous shouting in your gonads
 is the voice of God,
calling you to be one with him.
One, not in thought, not in prayer,
not in anchoritic meditation,
No, God wants you in the flesh,
God wants your body with all its fluids
and its sloughing off and its odors and noises.
God wants all of you
and he wants you to want him
in all his Herness and Hisness and Itness
God wants to dance with you, get drunk with you
amuse you with his divine humor.
Embrace God, become God." That's what I would say,
had a woman not turned my head
and made me Pope of myself.
Mike Geary
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