[lit-ideas] Filling in the Blanks: Lit-Ideas: A Survey

  • From: Paul Stone <pastone@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 10:36:17 -0500

As self-appointed lit-id amanuensis, I'll do my best to fill in the gaps here:

DR: Who could forget John Landon? -- no one who suffered through him!
His project should have been labeled "The Eyeoric Effect"

Didier Agid -- bookshop owner in France
Julian O'Dea -- 'strine!
John Lye -- chider
Jim Harrison -- that other guy from Portland (Almost certainly a hippie)
Brian Connery -- from the fair city of Detroit, or at least it's
burbs. One of three phil-litters, I've actually met in person
Vicky Soady and Helen Wishart -- Women from Valdosta
Alison Parker -- Walking OED, tried desperately to get into lit-id,
but for some reason she couldn't stay subscribed and gave up.
Janette Poulton -- woman from Australia
Carol Kirschenbaum -- somewhere near Death Valley

And last but not least: The "Outlaw" Josey Wells who couldn't string
two words together if you paid him. Unfortunately (for some students
somewhere) he managed to actually get a graduate position at an
[obviously] undiscerning campus (California State University - San
Marcos) where they do pay him. Wonderful Peter Principle at work!

Least: I am not even 1% Hullian. Me ole mom {not s' much of the old}
taught there when she was so much of the ole. Both she and my father
were born/bred in London. I'm fully Canadian, if one can be. Born
here, Just like Chris Bruce. I even know who Bliss Carman was... that
right there ablutes the possibility that I'm anything but Canajun, Eh!

p. witty puffy stombs
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