[lit-ideas] Re: Another Bush failure?

  • From: jimkandjulieb@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 09:27:07 -0400

Thank you, Mike.  It's comforting that someone understands one of the ways I 
communicate.  Irony is apparently going out of style this year.
I once knew, on-line, for a period of a few years, a person who was 
alternatively brilliant and delusional, insane, ignorant, and insightful (does 
that describe us all?).  This person pretended to be a female for a long time.  
And then confessed to being a male.   Or maybe that was the pretense.
Ya can't trust anything on-line any more than you can on the streets.
Not even among "academics". 
But it's fun communicating, exchanging ideas and perspectives, and is 
occasionally quite informative.
Anyone seen "Sybill"?
It should be seen immediately after "Primal Fear" (opening line:  If you want 
justice, go to a whorehouse; if you want to get screwed go to a court-room) and 
followed by "Everyone (Everybody?  I can't ever remember) Says I Love You" in 
which Julia Roberts and Woody Allen have a love affair and Sally Fields as the 
satire of the Flying Nun flies backwards.
Julie Krueger
-----Original Message-----
From: atlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 8:15 AM
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Another Bush failure?

>>Where have you been, Julie? The person who posts...under various versions 
>>>>of the name 'Josie Wells' has 
been spewing rabidly racist and antisemitic material for years!<< 
I assure you, Chris, Julie was being ironic. I laughed out loud at her post. 
I wonder who Josie Wells really is. He's too cartoon to be real. Come clean, 
Irene -- how many are you? 
Mike Geary 
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