[jhb] Re: Farmstrip Assignments

  • From: "Peter Dodds" <pdodds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jhb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2007 12:49 +0100 (BST)

I am the master of spellig nerrors - Gerroff!
Peter DoDDs and cIx !!<g>

Our guys are having a ball with this event with 9 members taking part
(with 178 members in total, 9 is a lot for an event, believe me <g>).  We
have a number of international members, and one, from Canada, is using
the event to learn about the UK!

Last night I was too tired for ATC, so decided to explore the Tiger
Moth's bottom end limits. I found I could approach a strip (Halwell 460m
long) at 50mph or a tad less, touching down at 40mph JUST above the stall,
and stop in about 350m with no brakes.  One unexpected delight from this
really slow approach and round out was that every touchdown was a greaser.
Previously I tended to touch down at about 60mph with significant
complaint from the undercarriage laccy bands and often a bounce.

I for one am learning far tighter control of my fave aircraft.  The other
thing I have noticed is how much more I use the rudders when real world
flying than I used to.  This comes from excessive Tiger flying on FS!


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