Re: authorization issues

  • From: "Cher Bosch" <Cher.Bosch@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2008 08:07:40 -0500

Not exactly the same, but similar... On a Lonova ThinkPad I set up last fall 
with VISTA home (premium, I think) and the first build of JAWS9, we ended up 
having to disable UAC to keep JAWS from switching into demo mode.  If I 
remember, evrytime UAC came up, JAWS switched to demo.

>>> "Chip Orange" <Corange@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 7/7/2008 10:05 AM >>>
Hi all,
On my vista laptop I've noticed that if I switch from my wireless nic to my 
wired nic, my jaws authorization suddenly switches into demo mode.  If I update 
it while using the wired nic until it's a registered copy  again, then when I 
switch back to my wireless nic it's an unregistered demo copy again.
Has anyone seen this happen?  On my thinkpad laptop, which was running xp and 
an earlier version of jaws, I frequently switched between wired and wireless 
without a problem, so I'm guessing this is related to the latest build or 
vista, and was just wondering if anyone else is seeing this?


Chip Orange
Database Administrator
Florida Public Service Commission

(850) 413-6314

 (Any opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily 
reflect those of the Florida Public Service Commission.)

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