[haiku-doc] Re: Another try at user guide translations

  • From: Humdinger <humdingerb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-doc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2009 14:14:48 +0200

>> How are big/small changes to the English original handled?

> At this time, they are not handled. To assign translate IDs to the original 
> the script just compares the contents of translatable blocks with the strings 
it has in
> its database...

>> This is the major thing that needs solving.
>> We need a way to a) insert whole blocks of stuff (e.g. <p>, <h1>, <table> 
etc.) into an
>> original English page and also b) in-block things like changed words, an 
>> sentence etc.

Let's assume we (that's you, of course :) ) find a special editing mode for English pages to add/remove whole blocks (a), inserting/removing those from the translations should be straight forward, right?

Here are my thoughts to (b), small in-block changes:
When a block gets translated, the original text-block used for this translation is saved for later reference alongside it. Additionally, a checksum for that original reference text-block is generated and saved with the translated text-block.
Such a checksum is also generated when the original text-block is 

When an original text-block is changed, a new checksum is created and all translated-blocks are marked for updating by a coloured background (+ some indication on the summary page). If such a translated block is opened for editing, the pane with the original block is showing the old reference text-block saved when the block was translated before and the current original block. The diffs should again be coloured. To the right is again the translated block for editing. If the editing window is closed with "OK", it's expected all changes were made and the new checksum and reference block is saved.

This is similar to the "rev4trans" and "co en-rev" cells in my spreadsheet suggestion that started this thread, only there we'd have SVN revisions (see //www.freelists.org/post/haiku-doc/Another-try-at-user-guide-translations and http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/1615/translationtrackersprea.png).

Do I make any sense? Is it feasible? Got a better idea?


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