[gmpi] Re: wrap up 3.8 - gesture start/end

  • From: RonKuper@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 09:10:00 -0500


(***) Any host which allow multiple event sources for one target needs to
handle overlapping or simultaneous inputs.  There are a couple viable

1) Do nothing.  Send all events to the plugin.  The vast majority of plugins
do not care about gesture-start and gesture-end, and will ignore them.  If
two sources fight, you will get a knob that jumps around.  Plugins don't
need to handle anything special, and ignore things they don't need.

2) Act as a priority-based switch.  Based on the source of inputs, decide
which events make it to the plugin, and which get dropped.  Plugins don't
need to handle anything special, and ignore things they don't need.

Both solutions are perfectly acceptable, and are NOT mutually exclusive.


Sorry for the long absence.  Combination of holidays, a death in the family,
and email problems here at Cakewalk.

Please read up on what DirectX automation does for parameter
capture/release.  (That's the terminology used there, capture/release like a
mouse, rather than gestures which can easily be confused with musical
performance gestures.)

In DX8 the host optionally exposes a parameter capture/release interface.
If the plugin wants to use it, I can query for it.  Then, then the user
clicks on a widget in the plugins GUI for parameter foo, the plugin says
host->ParamCapture( foo, TRUE ).  Then as the widget moves,
host->ParamChange( foo, x ), the finally host->ParamCapture( foo, FALSE )

This approach is neither 1 or 2, and actually works pretty well.

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