[gmpi] Re: Where are we?: 7.1.2

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 16:46:49 -0700 (PDT)

> > Let me ask this:  Does ANYONE feel it is necessary to support more than
> one
> > datatype in the graph at one time?
> Sounds reasonable.

I didn't ask if it was reasonable - is it NECESSARY?

> Is a "Profile" just an extra layer of abstraction?, are we really talking
> about "Datatypes"?

I suggest you read the heated debate between myself and Chris and others.  I
was saying EXACTLY the same thing.

> Profiles arn't a bad idea, a device to aid compatiblity by saying: "one
> datatype per plugin", "one datatype per host".

Something like profiles (I dislike the name, but the idea might be OK) is
bigger.  See below

>    In practice though, you can't force "one datatype" on a host writer.
> Just as some software supports both VST and DXi, some may choose to support
> both GMPI32 and GMPI64.

If we provide GMPI32 and GMPI64 then (realistically) all hosts HAVE to
support both.  If they don't, they are less competitive.  Suddenly users ask
"why doesn't your host support my 64 bit plugins?".  We then force the
complexity on them just to keep up with the Joneses.  Even though tests
show that 64 bit DOESN'T matter.

Now, if you have a test that shows 64 bit I/O making a difference, bring it
forth.  Now is the time.

Profiles allow us to support more than one type, but to make the seperation
wide enough to NOT cause this conflict.  One thing we haven't established is
whether there is a single Int type that is correct for all handhelds.  Is it
Int24 or Int16 or other?  If we can't boil that down to a single type (like
we can with Float32) then we're in a quagmire again.

> Are there really only two choices?
> A) Datatype specified at Plugin level.
> B) Datatype specified per pin. (e.g. float-in, double out possible)

No, there are a multitude of choices, but not all of them make sense :)

To that list I'd add

C) Datatype per context (inputs vs. outputs, or plug defined)
D) One global hardcoded datatype
E) One datatype per profile, limited number of profiles

We're more or less arguing (A|B|C) vs E.  D is ruled out by the agreement to
support handhelds (unless we renig on that, which is still an option).

We argued long and hard on this last week.  If you didn't follow, please
read the archives.


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