[gmpi] Re: Topic 7: Audio packaging

  • From: David Olofson <david@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 00:24:26 +0200

On Tuesday 03 June 2003 00.07, Vincent Burel wrote:
> >- once it is mute there are REAL savings
> > that can be had.
> REAL saving !? :-) with P4 3Ghz , 533 MgHz bus clock , your are
> talking about "REAL saving"  !!!!! :-) you measure it ? you made an
> average audio montage and measure how much CPU power you save with
> your trick ?? You made a ratio developpment cost against your real
> saving !? according the fact that computer power is multiplied by 2
> every 12 or 18 months ?? no ! And the fact you don't reply to my
> technical questions related to the consequences of the "IsZero"
> idea is absolutely not reassuring. not only for me but also for
> host manufacturers.

Requirements get tougher as well. Wasting tons of cycles never have 
been, is not and maybe never will be acceptable, if it can be avoided 
at a reasonable cost. I wouldn't bet on mainstream computers having 
"too much" CPU power for any job in our life time. I'm quite sure it 
will *not* happen in the next ten years. Computers will be something 
like 60-80 times faster by then. Enough for any job?

Anyway, the actual performance gains of "silence support" indeed *do* 
have to be put in relation to the added complexity.

> >If your plugins don't want to do the extra optimization,
> > then don't.  It's pretty simple.
> Generally speaking, a feature which maybe implemented or not
> implemented is a potential marketing and communication problem. For
> example, How to explain to a guy who work with track made of 50
> clip of 500ms , and insert a reverb on each that the CPU does not
> support it with a large reverb hall preset but might works with a
> tiny plate preset ?

In many applications, that could only result in one instance of the 
reverb, and then there's no problem - but anyway;

        "Plugins with 'silence support' only use CPU power
        when they actually receive or produce sound."

//David Olofson - Programmer, Composer, Open Source Advocate

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