[gmpi] Re: Topic 6: Time representation

  • From: "Angus F. Hewlett" <amulet@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 15:22:02 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 29 Apr 2003 RonKuper@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> In this scenario, if the processing frame is small but not tiny (say 5 msec
> for arguments sake) it's possible that a single audio processing frame will
> encompass more than 1 tempo.  This means that any model which assumes each
> audio frame is a single tempo will fall short, unless the host knows to
> subdivide processing frames at tempo change boundaries.

Horrid, horrid :) - much better to represent tempo and sync information as
events on the sample timeline.

> Call me an optimist, but I want my plugins to believe there is a future.<g>
> Imagine a GMPI version (actually today in OPT version 1), where a plugin can
> pull data from anywhere out of a project's timeline at any time.  Giving
> plugins access to future data and/or a birds-eye view of a song can be very
> powerful.

Agreed, but standardising that enough to make it useful runs the risk of
making too many assumptions about the host and its internal
datastructures. Plus, it's most useful for viewers which themselves are
pretty much outside the aims of GMPI1.0.

Thanks for a clear example, I see your point there. Some will argue that
such a quantizer is by nature not truly realtime (how would it handle
someone playing live events on a keyboard?), we need to decide if it's
within the scope of GMPI to handle this.

> It's got to be.  Quantizers are already in the scope of 2 existing plugi
> specs, MFX and OPT.

So GMPI 1.0 has to be a superset of every existing plugin architecture,
including complex ones like OPT? My personal view is that we should try to
stick to synchronous rendering in 1.0 and add other things later..


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