[gmpi] Re: Topic 6: Time representation

  • From: Chris Grigg <gmpi-public@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 18:06:53 -0700

 > >Assuming a plugin gets the transport position at some point (maybe 0)
 > >Assuming a plugin cares about edge detection of bars, beats, or ticks
 > >We either send an event for EVERY tick....

...or else the plug-in gets events at the musical time interval it likes, ...

? clarify?

Plug says gmpiHost::requestMusicTimeEvents( kEvery16thNote) at some point, then the host sends it a sample-stamped event every 16th note.

> > pos_in_ticks += ticks_per_sample

 OK, then you have a position in ticks in a floating point format,
 which is correct at each sample across the timeslice.  Using floating
 point makes that kinda easy.  But why is this important, or rather,
 what fraction of plug-ins will need to do that?  You already have
 events stapled to index offsets, and could convert the offsets into a
 ticks-plus-stepped-fraction when you need them, and you could
 subscribe to events like I describe above if you want sprocket holes.
 The advantages of floating point musical time are not so great.

I get what you're saying now. Plug says 'tell me every N ticks', and host does. It solves edge detection, and eliminates the need for the plugin to track pos. Storing fractional ticks can be left to the plugin.

I rather like it.

Thanks... But I think the two use cases are different -- needing to know where musical ticks fall, and smoothly tracking musical tick position as you traverse a timeslice -- and probably both needed. NB, for the second one you could only do the Position += PositionIncrement thing if tempo is constant. Might want a gmpiHost::getInstantaneousTempo( mySampleIndex )

> >I think Mike Berry made a pretty good case for it.

Yeah, that was pretty far-sub. I think we'll need something sub, but still need to look closer. I.e., is common-multiple-of-44100-and-48000 the only answer? What if the system is operating with pull-down or pull-up, so you've got to work with, like 44050 and 48000? What about the future when we have sample rates like more 120 kHz? Then the LCMs can get pretty big. Do we need a fractional value? Etc. etc.

I think the sample_rate * subsample_rate idea is flexible enough to answer all that for all hosts, and 64 bits should still be enough for a while :)

Uh, yeah. Never mind... 8-)

...But isn't Mike saying that subsample rate is subsamples per second, not subsamples per sample?

-- C

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