[gmpi] Re: Topic 6: Time representation

  • From: Chris Grigg <gmpi-public@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 10:53:10 -0700

>> 5. Musical clock in ticks and fractions of ticks

no fractions of ticks. the tick is the "atomic" unit of musical
time. there is no smaller unit. if you want to be more precise than
that, you use samples or nanoseconds.

Eh? This confuses linear time and musical time. Ticks are scaled by tempo. Samples or nanoseconds are not. Why limit musical time resolution to sprockets?

I'm still thinking about Todor's MIDI processing plug-in case. What if -- to take the complete opposite position from the previous paragraph for a minute -- we were to say that all event times arriving at the plug-in are expressed in linear time -- both musical and non-musical events, so the host has to convert musical time to linear time before the plug ever sees the event -- but we also provide a reference ID in the event structure, which the plug could query the host on to get the sequencer's original musical time for that event? So in timeslice X I get a MIDI event arriving at sample index 18345, with note 37 and velocity 118 and event ID 3773. I decide to do something musical with it, so I say mySourceEvent = gmpiHost::getSourceEvent( 3773 ), which returns a struct with the musical time that I can monkey with and then (somehow) post back into the event queue.

Something along these lines could clean up the event times arriving at the plug-in, whittling it down to just one time format which would be a kind of optimization for process(), but still leave a way to access an event's musical time, for those plugs that need to. As opposed to the single time union idea.

-- Chris

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