[gmpi] Re: Topic 6: Time representation

  • From: Chris Grigg <gmpi-public@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 10:53:07 -0700

I think the conversation is wandering a bit, because we have stopped talking about the contexts in which each of the time representations would be used. As Ron said:

Also, which of these time values are passed in as args to the process()
function, and which are available for query by plugin?

The requirements for different contexts may be different, and I wonder whether some of the requirements might apply only for the host, and could (or should) be made invisible at the plug-in level. Can we articulate those contexts now, to clarify requirements? Here's a stab at a list:

Contexts Where Time Representation Is (or May Be) Needed
       (subject to other design decisions yet to be made)

Contexts visible to the plug-in:
- Attached to audio sample buffers presented to gmpi::process()
- Attached to musically timed (MIDI & others) events
- Attached to linearly timed (automation, maybe GUI, etc.) events
- Query host for current time, in many formats

Contexts visible to the host, but maybe not visible to the plug-in:
- Attached to system audio output buffers emitted by the host
- Query OS for current system time

What else?

-- Chris

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