[gmpi] Re: 8a.0 What is a Parameter?

  • From: Steve Harris <S.W.Harris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 08:36:26 +0100

On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 11:37:13 +0200, Koen Tanghe wrote:
> > host: int volIdx = plug->GetParamIndexByName("/global/mixer/volume");
> >
> > .. host can now use volIdx in automation calls.
> Seems like a good compromise, yes.
> Marc's reservations against using strings instead of for example enums (I
> think that's what he was thinking of?) while programming seems also viable
> to me though (compilers can check for that, not for strings).
> But then again I'd still prefer the string approach in the long term because
> it seems more natural to me.

What about hashes? If you agree on a decent even hash (crc32 or a partial
md5) from a control path name then you dont need an explit function in the
plugin to assign an id; a gmpi support library can provide the hashing

md5 takes around 1000 cycles to execute (on a PIII or similar) and
produces up to 128bits, crc32 about takes something like 500 cycles.

the plugin can do

gmpi_id my_control = gmpi_hash("/global/mixer/volume");

in its init() code, or prefedine them in a .h file, and the host can do
something similar once the plugin has given it the paths of its ports.

The downside is that the control ids wont be contiguous.

- Steve

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