[gmpi] Re: 8a.0 What is a Parameter?

  • From: Marc Poirier <fipnid@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 18:05:39 -0700 (PDT)

I don't really like the string path description approach so much just in
that I think that it leads to poor programming practices (you misspell
your group or subgroup in one case, change one and easily forget to change
another, etc.).  So, when I imagine myself actually programming for GMPI,
I feel like I won't like this; I foresee myself getting all annoyed with
it.  But this is also getting into the level of implementation details,
which I don't think that we're supposed to be doing now anyway.  But the
idea of having an unlimited degree of group and sub-group nesting seems
fine to me.


--- Mike Berry <mberry@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>       I think that a tagging system for parameters which allows an arbitrary 
> depth is a good solution. I would suggest that parameters be reported 
> with both an integer unique ID and a unique path, such as:
> "group1/subgroup2/volume"
> This string is NOT the UI designator for the parameter. UI designators 
> can be obtained by querying the plugin, passing the path as an argument.
>       So why have both an integer unique ID and a path? It is a lot easier 
> for many calls to simply have an int. So perhaps this type of API, where
> the parameter has a uniqueID defined:
> GMPIError GetParameterPath(int inUniqueID, char* outPath);
> GMPIError GetParameterDisplay(int inUniqueID, w_char* outTitle);
> GMPIError GetParameterFolderDisplay(const char* inPath, w_char*
> outTitle);
> I know that some of this talks about UI, but I wanted to show how it 
> could be used. Then hosts could make a decision as to whether they 
> displayed the heirarchy or simply flattened the entire list.

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