[geocentrism] Re: Three days and three nights

  • From: "Philip" <joyphil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 14 May 2005 10:17:55 +1000

Forgive me for butting in here Neville, but the word NEW  has a variety of 
connotations. For example 4 a below new day or new moon , as for a new month. 
Main Entry: 1new
Pronunciation: 'nü, chiefly British 'nyü, in place names usually (")nu or n& or 
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English nIwe; akin to Old High German niuwi 
new, Latin novus, Greek neos
1 : having existed or having been made but a short time : RECENT, MODERN
2 a (1) : having been seen, used, or known for a short time : NOVEL <rice was a 
new crop for the area> (2) : UNFAMILIAR <visit new places> b : being other than 
the former or old
3 : having been in a relationship or condition but a short time <new to the job>

4 a : beginning as the resumption or repetition of a previous act or thing <a 
new day> <the new edition> b : made or become fresh <awoke a new person>

5 : different from one of the same category that has existed previously <new 
6 : of dissimilar origin and usually of superior quality <introducing new blood>
7 capitalized : MODERN 3; especially : having been in use after medieval times
- new·ish /'nü-ish, 'nyü-/ adjective
- new·ness noun
synonyms NEW, NOVEL, ORIGINAL, FRESH mean having recently come into existence 
or use. NEW may apply to what is freshly made and unused <new brick> or has not 
been known before <new designs> or not experienced before <starts the new job>. 
NOVEL applies to what is not only new but strange or unprecedented <a novel 
approach to the problem>. ORIGINAL applies to what is the first of its kind to 
exist <a man without one original idea>. FRESH applies to what has not lost its 
qualities of newness such as liveliness, energy, brightness <a fresh start>. 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dr. Neville Jones 
  To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 8:02 AM
  Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Three days and three nights

  1 Sam. 20:5
  1 Sam. 20:18
  1 Sam. 20:24
  2 Ki. 4:23
  Ps. 81:3
  Isa. 66:23
  Eze. 46:1
  Eze. 46:6
  Amos 8:5
  Col. 2:16
  So, again I ask you, Allen, is it a "new" moon or isn't it?

  Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
  I guess I missed that posting. What are the references for this? What 
scriptures are we talking about?..I know this if it calls it a new moon then it 
is a new moon. If it does not specifically call it a new moon then you 
shouldn't read into it. You take it exactly what all the scriptures say about 
that moon the way it says it. If scripture does not specify how would I or 
anyone for that mater know? And what proof could you offer anyway? Something's 
are just not given and It will not contradict itself if you don't force meaning 
on it. 


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