[cryptome] Re: Do you suppose comments like this will get me on a government watchlist?

  • From: Andrew Hornback <achornback@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: cryptome@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2015 11:09:32 -0400

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 10:59 AM, Gary Wallin <garylwallin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I called for debate, not destruction. I don't know that this flag is
state property, but will concede that it probably is.

If it's flying over a state capital dome, odds are very good that it's
state property. :)

The flag is being imposed by State laws that require it to be displayed.

Got a link to that State law?

The "Stars and Bars", which is actually the Battle Standard of the Army of
Northern Virginia (and later adopted in part and in whole by some states as
part of their state ensign) is not the official Flag of the State of South
Carolina. Instead, the actual state flag that has been legally approved is
a dark blue field with a white crescent and a Palmetto tree.

It is not there by the free choice of any individual citizen.

Are there any states where an individual citizen has full control over the
state flag?

It is a tyrannical government ordered display.

Not trying to be difficult here, but if you could provide a link to the
State law requiring the flying of any flag over the capital dome in the
State of South Carolina, I would certainly appreciate it.

In fact, since the government of South Carolina insists on displaying this
symbol of hate and racism, they are the one's who should be put on watch

Perception and point of view. To some people in the world, the American
flag is a symbol of hate and racism. To others, the Chinese flag, the
Libyan flag, the Israeli flag. Who's perception and point of view really
matters in this discussion? I'd say that lies with the voters of the State
of South Carolina primarily.

--- A

On 6/22/2015 9:37 AM, Andrew Hornback wrote:

Calling for the destruction of state property may get you on a watch list.

Calling for a riot (or what could be misconstrued as a riot) may get you
on a watch list.

Perhaps I'm missing something here, but how is the State of South
Carolina imposing a flag on anyone?

--- A

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 10:28 AM, Gary Wallin <garylwallin@xxxxxxxxx>

A Call for Debate: Should the South Carolina Confederate flag be hacked?

I'm basically a freedom loving person, especially when it comes to
freedom of thought and freedom of expression. I don't have a problem with
an individual thoughts and expressions. But I get upset when their actions
are harmful.

As far as I'm concerned, if someone wants to fly a Confederate Flag, a
Nazi Flag, or even the modern American Imperial Flag (I personally prefer
the old Betsy Ross flag of 1776 when this county was fighting against
imperialism and not actively practicing it), that’s fine with me. The kinds
of flags people choose to fly gives my semi-autistic neurons a heads-up on
what potential values and interactions I might have with them.

But I do have a problem when States and Government impose flags on me.
I think I should be able to choose the flag that represents my values. I
can understand why many people in South Carolina would object to a flag
that stands not only for heritage, but often for hate and racism. There are
many people in South Carolina who choose not to personally fly this flag.
But the State imposes it on them. If Governor Haley wants to fly her own
personal Confederate Flag, that’s fine with me. But when she imposes it as
representing the consensus of the people of her State, she has gone to far.

Fortunately, there is something that can be done about this problem.
The flag can be hacked.

As makers and hackers know, it is possible to take out flags with
simple tools. We all have access to modified drones, high power lasers, and
other equipment that could fix this flag. People of good will could simply
take out this ugly symbol with a bit of skilled making and hacking. No
human being needs to be harmed or injured during the process. The question
is, should we? Maybe reason will prevail, and it will come down by
government decision making. Maybe not?

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