[administrating-your-public-servants] Re: INFANT status Fw: Assumed Name Certificate - strategic amendment (text desired)

  • From: Aéius Cercle of Quantum-Note(Law-Division) <Law@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: administrating-your-public-servants@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2022 20:21:17 -0600

Alright, with their parents out of the picture (I assume possibly due to the «corruption» that happens from those self-appointed «authorities» when encountering them), you have quite the task to raise/nurture them up the right way.

Teaching negotiation-skills is easier to do when you have practice/experience with having done your own negotiations; plenty of businesses exist that are looking for help, but, you do not need to go the corporate-route of the W-4-type application-process; instead, just scout around for which-ever businesses seem to be busiest, but, are seemingly lacking in staff-members; once identified, assuming you have the necessary work-skills for what they need (restaurants may be easiest for this purpose as I have been told by more than a few restaurant-owners that they have trouble finding/keep dish-washers), help out with some work that needs to be done, for, usually, most business-owners tend to want to compensate people for any assistance that can be provided; for myself, personally, when I am offerred some $$$ per hour, I instead ask if other arrangements can be made instead, such as if they have any spare rooms that I can use as office/storage-space, any extra plots of land that they can set aside for my use, etc.;

Either way, you have a LOT of various «leg-work» that needs to get done, for purposes of establishing good future-connections, business-relationships, trade-negotiations that may benefit you and other local-entrepreneurs (and perhaps even distant if you are technically savvy enough), etc. I don't know how much experience you have with «out-side-the-box» thinking, but, your ability to be creative enough to come up with ideas/solutions that allow you to thrive/survive will go a long way towards moving civilisation in a more needed mature direction if you put it into practice/application.

Yes, everyone has their own ideas/opinions, but, because of the cult-style tendencies that people often have with their own beliefs, such an experience about opinions exist that opinions are like ***-holes; everyone's got one, and, they all stink... once the self-importance can be set aside from insisting that one's beliefs are the only and only true and right way, and, instead, the focus be on learning, then, one can finally continue to progress the way God/Nature desires/intended.

*Govficials/Authorities :* This is something that, unfortunately, has to come from /personal-experience/. Why ? It's literally a «war» environment. I have enough experience in martial-arts to /know/ that, when in a fight or full-contact sparring match, you simply cannot win effectively with /consistency/ until you STOP being AFRAID to get HIT. This is also something that I have noticed is similar with high-ranking chess-matches (e.g. : Oh ? You're threatening to capture one of my major pieces ? Alright, fine, I will move this piece over here now; want to capture my piece now ? Come, capture this piece that you have threatened, then I can capture your even higher-value piece in response /!/). When it comes to «legal» matters, out of all of mine own experiences/research, a /few/ things remain /consistent/... /some/ of them are as follows...

➡ Repeat three times if they refuse to respond/answer
➡ Ask questions instead of making statements (answer in the form of a question)

The more «Legalese» you know, they better off you are, come time that they need to put into practice/application. Look up and listen to the «Charlie Sprinkle Interview; I don't drive... I travel...» when you can if you are not up-to-speed on that yet.

On 2022/09/17 16:30, The Organic Fanatic wrote:

I am raising them by myself.
I was a market gardener so they garden with me.
Most of the suggestions I pretty much do but negotiation.  There are so many opinions put there and the person I started learning from passed.
His methods worked because I had a case I used them but I am not proficient at writing legal matters.
I was traveling without a license.  Had not had one for 10 years but never stopped.
I got ticketed and served my way out of even having to appear in court.
No bench warrant.  No suspended license.  No points.  And no fine.
Life skills I am good at.
Handling interactions with "authorities" I am not.
Nor do I feel I am bad ass enough to take the feminine out of the girls and build their confidence around govt officials.
I guess I could up my testosterone but don't want to grow hair on my face.😁
I was hoping I could find a proven way to handle legal matters.
Appreciate very much the suggestions.  Although I do not have the space to grow food indoors except for some a few microgreens or sprouts at this time.

On Sat, Sep 17, 2022, 4:12 PM Aéius Cercle of Quantum-Note(Law-Division) <Law@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    Have their parents been taught or learned about these matters ?
    That might make things a bit easier if they are.

    *Negotiation-Skills :* For purposes of being able to use their own
    skills/knowledge/abilities for negotiation, probably the FIRST and
    FOREMOST absolutely MOST-IMPORTANT set(s) of knowledge that they
    will need/want is the combination of knowing how to effectively
    grow their own food, and, not just due to Prophecy describing how
    Food is to become the most-valuable commodity come the time when
    all Currencies collapse and become as worthless as sand...
    grow-lights of the LED-variety are very good for this purpose to
    be done in-doors (the blue-coloured LED-lights are meant for the
    sprouting and growing stages, the red-coloured LED-lights for the
    vegetation & fruit-produce mature-plant stages, altogether at a
    ratio of 5 red to 1 blue, from what I have read/learned about it
    thus far; also, plants need to have their own day/night cycle for
    optimum-growth, thus, the LED-lights should not be left on 24/7,
    but, try to simulate the natural day/night-cycle; and, watering
    them can be done with a spray bottle, a method which I think is
    the most-optimum & easiest to set the exact amount of moisture
    desired for optimum-cultivation).

    Anyway, I /highly recommend/ the «in-doors» version of growing
    one's own fruits/vegetables, now that the «LED-Lights» that exist
    these days have been a real game-changer as to be able to grow
    food in-doors, /effectively/, yielding and producing the best
    harvests, due to the technology now existing that allows us to be
    able to provide plants with their optimum growth-conditions, even
    though they are /inside/ (the building/s). I consider this to be
    advantageous for several reasons, for one, you don't have to worry
    about wild weeds tumbling around & springing up into your soil,
    unlike out-doors, wherefore may be tumble-weeds or other such
    self-spreading seeds of weeds that self-propagate &
    self-distribute via the wind; they are easier to keep away from
    pests when inside; amongst other reasons. They will want to know
    how to prepare in advance for things like «Farmers' Markets» from
    when/where they can then gain some experience with selling off
    their excess produce (and even negotiating for year-round
    customer-bases that may want them to keep them steadily supplied
    with which-ever fruits/vegetables they may be growing).

    *Make a Living & Travel Without Fear :* Good negotiation-skills
    should be able to cover most of the make-a-living portion. For
    travel and being fearless, well, the fearless part is to teach
    them early on to recite the Star Prayer three times a day (see
    http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/truth/web/starpray.htm for
    details), due to its effect on being able to calm down and negate
    negative-emotions (habits developed earlier on in life are far
    easier to keep/maintain rather than trying to condition one-self
    into changing/improving their patterns/routines when older after
    all). The ability to become independent-thinkers and be able to
    effectively «swim» via their own efforts may take some time...
    also, because they are girls at a young age, they may be best off
    learning from other relatively young girls who have obviously done
    their homework & research (the girl with this BitChute channel @
    https://www.bitchute.com/channel/RYdfuGFlPOvH/ may be a good
    role-model; I am so glad that there exists people at her age-group
    who are fairly well-informed).

    *Medical-Care :* They should not have any issues with their health
    as long as they eat healthy food and are able to be
    self-disciplined enough to stay away from junk-foods, candies,
    soda, pop, soft-drinks, caffeine-containing food, any food with
    bad/toxic-ingredients, etc. Recommend documentaries to get
    up-to-speed on what NOT to consume are «The billion dollar
    ingredient that is making your food toxic» and «FoodGate» which
    was done by UCTV (University of California Television). Both of
    them cover a lot of similar information.

    *Etc :* Whilst I could most-certainly cover a lot more other
    information, not everybody learns at the same pace, and, dumping
    /too much/ information at once can also be counter-productive, a
    TMI if you may. One masters the Basics before trying to attempt
    anything too Advanced/Complex after all (they need to be able to
    read, have at minimum basic math-skills, the ability to know how
    to do their own research or find pertinent books at
    public-libraries, etc). One does not become literate in any
    language without first learning its alphabet after all
    (hieroglyphic-type languages, like Chinese, may be an exception).
    Anything else I may have to go over will have to be reserved for
    another day (got other things I need to get back to doing for now).

    On 2022/09/17 10:31, The Organic Fanatic wrote:
    My grandchildren do not have birth certificates or SDN's but I am
    concerned about not knowing what to teach them to negotiate life
    Make a living
    Travel without being scared
    Also receive necessary medical care.
    Can anyone guide me?
    They are all girls and ages 10, 11, 12

    On Fri, Sep 16, 2022, 6:29 PM Lance Harfield
    <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

        "16-09-2022 United Network News"



            "16-09-2022 United Network News"

        "Join Sunny with the Field Messengers they report the Real
        News! From the importance of goats to keeping your do...


        On Monday, November 1, 2021 at 06:13:11 PM PDT, Stephen
        Schwika <dmarc-noreply-outsider@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

        IS HOW THEY CONTROL THE MASSES - Possible Cestua Que Vie
        Trust Acct. ACCESS
        I wish to TALK  not TYPE  too much.  SEE TH BELOW LINKS

        Listen to THIS SHIT   regarding  "No INFANT can be
        prosecuted" .  Once the/their GUARDIANSHIP  is removed one
        then is FREE.  It's [the infancy status - that continues
        until "NONAGE" (correcttion of an error, nonage is a proper
        legal term in FL, in another state: possibly called
        emancipation)  is achived]  a parent child corporation - a
        self-powering municipal corporation .

        The solution is RULE 19 .  I am still listinng to the first
        one.  Kindly discuss this with me upon  listening to and
        understanding same.

        The "PLEA OF INFANCY"  stops all prosecution efforts,
        istruction how to revert control back to "you" since you ,
        "did not intend to give ypyour "rights" by accepting the mere
        "privledge" involving The "INFANT" status that was "without
        your knowledge or approval"  through BAR Association trickery
        and deception "legally" (but not lawfully)  labeled upon you
        by your mother accepting and "signing"  the (infant
        "delivery" - into "commerce" making you (One part of you -
        not the other "living" man or woman portion, a owned
        corporation and "corporate" property undr a concervancy or
        guadianship of your other contractual (by mother signing at
        "delivery") fictitious corporate daddy - the State ) with the
        delivery receipt "receipt" enabling same called the "birth
        certificate" where afterwards (if father fails to claim the
        property before e years od - TITLE goes up for "salvage" and
        is purchasd by The Roman Catholic Church, Mormon Church,
        etc.) THEY (through a contract with the U.S.  gov. - their
        "human trafficing" business associates) unless properly
        corrected buy your or a parent's proper and timely
        "administrative" NOTICE - and request for  a "NONAGE"
        Claim/petition for "correction" to be achieved using RULE 19
        _ OR "POSSIBLY" ANOTHER unknown to me METHOD) otherwise THEY
        have total control (plus "legal" jurisdiction) of you and
        ALL  your "spendthrift trust" assets, and you are left as the
        bankrupt surety for ALL BILLS, EXPENCES, LIABILITIS,
        otherwise THEY should b paying everything due (monthly, etc.)
        out of the Cestue que vie trust account's (your) availabl
        assets.   Go figure...

        Can listen to everything explained yourself - do NOT  let
        your ens legis HEAR  this inportant info....  it OWES you
        tens of millions of dollars for you serving as the "receiver
        of srvice and process" for IT since you were about 2 weeks
        old.  Must send the alleged Birth Certificate "owner" (of the
        ens legis) a (notary Public "receiver" sent and "timely" 21
        day response received) Notice (by affidavit) to respond, and
        then (after their non-response based "failure-to-respond")  a
        bill for $50 per hour since back then for unpaid "monthly"
        services and money due to you.

        Another "element" that proves you are applicable to al cods,
        ordances, ules and statutes is that you accepted or requested
        a "DRIVER LICENSE"  and through that nexus You are considered
        to be "Operating a State Agency" and must follow all the same
        statutes etc. which are for "RESIDENTS" DEF. "EMPLOYEES" or
        "OFFICERS"  of the government...  Threfore, must dump the
        (if/when actually unneeded) proof of State Agency operation
        Driver License, unless you actually are a (tuck, bus,
        ambulance,towtruck, limo, or other "commercial" and
        "for-profit" employed as same "driver".  Then things get
        easier, otherwise simply claim (non-prosecutable) "infant"
        status for everything, stopping everything in its tracks. 
        Listen to brother boris explain everything...

        Rumble <https://rumble.com/> — IAMSOMEDUDE.COM
        <http://IAMSOMEDUDE.COM> "Boris" DOCS:
        Borris TalkShoe is "Surfing with the Alien"
         Hosted by: Law of Boris
        Phone Number: (724) 444-7444  Thurs ?time
        Call ID: 82668
        *** lawofborris.COM [sign up videos, files, private stash on
        Rumble-get link from LOB  FOR TELEGRAM chat AND rUMBLE


        ----- Forwarded Message -----
        *From:* Some Dude <iamsomedude2@xxxxxxxxx>
        *To:* Stephen Schwika <motiond@xxxxxxxxxxx>
        *Sent:* Saturday, October 30, 2021, 01:15:35 PM EDT
        *Subject:* Re: Assumed Name Certificate - strategic amendment
        (text desired)

        this is more like a "fee schedule" and I do not think it will
        fit on a Minnesota dba filing. but i could be mistaken;
        i would just download a form and see for yourself ...

        but, i think you should watch/listen to the 10-21 and 10-27
        calls on the private stash



        On Sat, Oct 30, 2021 at 4:09 AM Stephen Schwika
        <motiond@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

            *Minn. A.N.C. Name Holder* :   for STEPHEN JOHN SCHWIKA
            [[ I think the below is about ALL I AM ABLE TO do ]]
            *:Stephen-John:  Schwika.* – ATTENTION: Notice of
            Liability pursuant to $250k"unauthorized" (private
            property) use fee for ”name use” ofMinnesota (Secretary
            of State) certified “ASSUMED NAME” (SEE ABOVE).For (any
            evidenced written or corporate) use of Name Holder’s
            “Private non-corporate Business/Trad” name, any
            derivative - variant names, copyrighted name(s), the use
            of name holder, Assumed Name Certificate’s registered
            “fictitious” business entity or “other variant ” as any
            presumed surety, the Name Estate for U.S. certificated
            “PERSON” [Name Estate] decedent (birth certificate) TITLE
            holder possessing valid standing, Full Faith and Credit,
            plus highest “security” interest in and FOR ALL PURPOSES
            OF THE OBLIGATION OF THE “PERSON” [Name Estate] wherein,
            above shall not be held liable in ANY COURT in pursuance
            of and reliance on 12 USC 95a Sect. 2, wherein same
            “PERSON” [Name Estate] is entitled to ACQUITTANCEand
            “PERSON” [Name Estate].Named “PERSON” [Name Estate] shall
            not be held liable in ANY COURT for or in respect to
            ANYTHING done or omittedin good faith in connection with
            the administration of, or in pursuance of and in reliance
            on, this section, or any rule, regulation[code, ordinance
            or statute], instruction, or direction issued hereunder…
            under full and complete INDEMNITY via. General Orders 100
            section 38.The RECEIPT [Birth Certificate] and the
            [Estate?] name/title on same is being used in pursuance
            of and reliance on 12 USC95a Sect. 2 for discharge of any
            U.S. associated debt, plus discharge of liability, in
            pursuance of and reliance upon same section further
            evidenced by (recorded) Dual Secretary of State (Federal
            and State) "authenticated" Birth Certificate with other
            "verified" (sworn - true and correct) document evidence
            supporting the private property $250,000 "NAME USE" fee –
            due within seven (7) days of verbal or other notification
            of (each incidence of) unauthorized name [Name Estate -
            TITLE] usage.

            *I am unsure if ALL THE ABOVE IS PERFECTLY ACCURATE or
            appropriate to be used in (my) pursuance of and reliance
            on 12 USC95a Sect. 2.  Possibly some changes, additional
            points, or EDITING  - may be required.*

            I would appreciate a little assistance hammering this
            NOTICE  out a little MORE in order to optimize / and for
            accuratizing same...   Dean do you think this WILL ALL
            field (form) space available...

            Any helpful feedback on this TOPIC / objective (HOPEFULLY
            - to be automatically "Printed-out" ON the Minn. A.N.C.
            FORM) will be greatly appreciated -

            Please advise,
            570/ 443-7892 ...kindly call me

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