[sac-forum] Re: Waiver-amendment debate.....

  • From: "Bob Christ" <bchrist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <sac-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 08:45:17 -0700

Regarding the waiver issue, resistance to change is a human trait more
pervasive than acceptance of change.  Need a proof point?  Judo couldn't
exist without resistance to change - rather it counts on it.  And,
resistance can be most pervasive when one's "rights" appear to be impacted.
On the flip side, the proposed waiver "protects" the rights of others.  It's
difficult-to-near-impossible to "have it both ways."

Unless the proposed waiver is breaking new ground amongst astronomy clubs
(doubtful), other fellow clubs have already passed this way.  It would be
helpful to example how they manage their club's indemnity.  I view this as a
business issue, versus a personal issue.  The club agreed to formalize its
business structure and members must assume the appropriate responsibility to
achieve that end.

My thoughts.


Bob Christ

-----Original Message-----
From: sac-forum-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:sac-forum-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Thad Robosson
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:28 AM
To: sac-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sac-forum] Waiver-amendment debate.....

  Hello SAC members,

  SAC is currently in a process that will need the help of it's members.
  Recently, a group of SAC members, both general members as well
  as boad members, have worked on the wording of a new amendment
  of the SAC Constitution that will allow the board to assign releases
  /waivers at some SAC events.  This was not taken lightly, and to say that
  the inclusion of waivers into SAC events is controversial is an under-

  As to not color the issue, I include the link to the constitution here....

  The amendments involved are marked as "proposed", and clicking on them
  opens them up for reading.  Proposed changes are underlined.

  Please take the time to review these proposed changes, and feel free
  to post questions or comments here.  We strongly encourage discussion
  of this, regardless of position on the matter.  Remember, it will be the
  general membership that ultimately decides if this will be
  approved, and your informed vote counts!  The discussion in this thread
  is the best way to be involved and informed prior to the vote this coming
  September meeting.

  Thank you,
  Thad Robosson
  President, SAC

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