[rollei_list] Re: another Epson scan

  • From: Bernard <bernard_cousineau@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2006 07:33:35 -0400

Regarding lifetimes, I have absolute proof that the florescent screw-in bulbs don't last 10 years, they don't even last more than 3 years. I have been marking dates on the ones I put in the bathrooms and every time one burns out, the vendors have no problem with sending free replacements, indicating the 10 year guarantee is an inflated value.

Fluorescents do not last long if you turn them on and off all the time, so bathrooms are probably the worst application for them. On top of that, their low colour rendering index (CRI) makes skin tones look horrible, which is not what you want to see first thing in the morning.
If you pick an application where the light is on for hours at a a time, such as a porch light, they will last much longer.
As you've no doubt figured out, the 10 year guarantee is a marketing gimmick. Very few people keep receipts for light bulbs around, so the cost to the reseller is negligible. On top of that, most CFL's are marketed by pseudo brands that may not be around for 10 years (especially if everyone takes them up on their guarantee).

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