[rollei_list] Re: OT: RF vs SLR for 35mm

  • From: Thor Legvold <tlegvold@xxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 11:08:53 +0100

Hi Marc,

thanks for your extensive and thoughtful answer.

You mention that "a lot more depends on the uses intended", which is the part that I'm interested. The rest of your post addresses the gear itself.

Could you say a bit more about what works best for what uses intended?

That would really help me find the best solution for my current and future needs.


On 18 Nov, 2005, at 0:30, Marc James Small wrote:

There is no quick and certain answer to whether an SLR or RF works best. A
lot depends on the user, and a lot more depends on the uses intended.


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