[projectaon] Re: rules clarification

  • From: David Davis <feline1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: projectaon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 11:59:09 +0100

There was a Monstery Mailbag in a LW Club Newsletter where Joe Dever
acknowledged that carrying around tons of Special Items was getting a bit
silly, and hence he decided to implement "progressive encumbrance" rules
for the Freeway Warrior series, and bring in the 12 item limit during the
Magnakai books. So yes, you must suspend your disbelief a little at how
much Lone Wolf manages to lug around with him ;)

As for the ambiguity of that Healing description - well, it is there.
That's the English language for you ;)
Any British schoolchild who ever asked the teacher "Can I go to the
toilet?" knows that... lmao


On 24 September 2013 11:03, Guga Figueiredo <gugabfigueiredo@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> Heavier stuf like platemails would have a volume impediment. its tricky
> enough to carry the whole thing on its own, much more multiple armors.
> 2013/9/24 Guga Figueiredo <gugabfigueiredo@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Pieces of armor are quite heavy. At 10kg, the light ringmail would be
>> proven quite difficult to carry in numbers. Specialy considering that you
>> also carry 2 weapons, porvisions and whatnots.
>> 2013/9/24 Guga Figueiredo <gugabfigueiredo@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> I just can't see the abiguity you speek of. Since it does not explicitly
>>> forbids any other form of healing, it should apply.
>>> I once used Books 1 and 2 as a makeshift adventure for an RPG with some
>>> friends. Multiplayer adjustmens were made. What i want to talk about is how
>>> I used Healing in this context. In Book 2, when you carelessly open the
>>> captains box in his office, you are poisoned and dies. Since I have more
>>> than 1 player, i had the one with the Healing Discipline give up his
>>> Healing in orther to continue their journey. So I'm all up for bending the
>>> rules for roleplay.
>>> My point is just that as the rules state, it is allowed. How the player
>>> is going to act on this is only up to him.. I just thought that rules
>>> clarification should be about what is there, and what is not, rather than
>>> what we think about it.
>>> 2013/9/24 David Davis <feline1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> The ambiguity in this text has always been whether the "can be used to
>>>> restore ENDURANCE points lost in combat" is implying it is restricted to
>>>> that use, or whether that's just an example of the most typical way to use
>>>> it.
>>>> Certainly there are numerous examples throughout the books of your
>>>> Healing discipline being used to cure wounds (e.g when demonstrating your
>>>> discipline to the imposter Ronan in Fire on the Water), poisons and general
>>>> fatigue (e.g. when relaxing on the deck of the Green Sceptre in Fire on the
>>>> Water) and more besides, none of which are necessarily "combat" - so all
>>>> that would tend to blow the strict "combat loss only" interpretation out of
>>>> the water ... but loss through hunger still seems a special case to many
>>>> players. Indeed it seems quite thermodynamically impossible to me ;)
>>>> For me, gameplay-wise, the plus point about not using Healing to cure
>>>> hunger means that you still have the fun of making sure you get enough
>>>> meals, have enough space in your backpack, etc - otherwise that whole
>>>> aspect of gameplay is lost...
>>>> the downside is that tracking different types of EP loss is a pain in
>>>> the ass ;)
>>>> Your mileage may vary.
>>>> David
>>>>  On 24 September 2013 10:11, Guga Figueiredo <gugabfigueiredo@xxxxxxxxx
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> Hi there,
>>>>> I don't know what's the official position regarding this, but i think
>>>>> the text is pretty clear:
>>>>> "This Discipline can be used to restore ENDURANCE points lost in
>>>>> combat. If you possess this skill you may restore 1 ENDURANCEpoint to
>>>>> your total for every numbered section of the book you pass through in 
>>>>> which
>>>>> you are not involved in combat. (This is only to be used after your
>>>>> ENDURANCE has fallen below its original level.) Remember that your
>>>>> ENDURANCE cannot rise above its original level.
>>>>> If you choose this skill write ‘Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each
>>>>> section without combat’ on your Action Chart."
>>>>> The part about the lost EP in Combat is a short description. A quick
>>>>> way for the newcomers to grasp what the Discipline does. it says it CAN be
>>>>> used for combat injuries, but it does not describes any restrictions to 
>>>>> any
>>>>> other EP loss.
>>>>> It is followed by what the rules states: "If you possess this skill
>>>>> you may restore 1 ENDURANCE point for every numbered section of the
>>>>> book you pass through in which you are not involved in combat. Remember
>>>>> that your ENDURANCE cannot rise above its original level." Basicaly,
>>>>> if you dont fight you heal. And since the rules state that you restore 
>>>>> said
>>>>> EP when you 'pass through' a numbered section, this Disciplines effect is
>>>>> the last thing to do in any section without any numbers of combat rounds 
>>>>> in
>>>>> it. This means it does not prevent any damage from hunger, falls, poison,
>>>>> or whatever else may injure LW, it just heals 1 EP at the end of the
>>>>> section.
>>>>> About meals especificaly, there is in Book 1 such a thing as Laumspur
>>>>> Meal, which can be consumed at any time to recover 3 EP, or when pompted
>>>>> for a Meal, in which case it also fulfills the Meal riquerements,
>>>>> preventing the EP loss in addition to restoring 3 previously lost EP.

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