[projectaon] Re: Outstanding Errata Sprint (Week 6)

  • From: "David Davis" <feline1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <projectaon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 00:42:03 +0100

-----Original Message----- From: Jonathan Blake

The real question is whether or not Grand Weaponmastery has a bonus of
3 or 5.

OK. Well, for internal consistency in the fictional world of Magnamund, it *ought* to be +5.

However it's not! It's +3! It's always been +3! In every edition of the Game Rules of every Grand Master and New Order book. There's no real arguing with that! I tend to suspect this is due to Dever dropping the ball and making a cut-and-paste on his wordprocessor, without remembering about the Mentora bonus.
But I have no evidence for this at all,
and contra (circumstantial) evidence is that Deliverance also drops the (extremely useful) +1EP per section.

I can't see there's any real way to argue that Grand Weaponmastery's Bow bonus should be +5 without also arguing that Deliverance should also include +1EP per section.
And I haven't seen anyone arguing that yet!  (hah, am I tempting fate?! lol)

The thing which made me suspect that the +3 in the Game Rules was definately a cut-and-paste error is because I kept finding +5 in actual numbered sections. I thought this was consistent throughout the books and it was the rules that were the exception. But meticulous grepping have shown this not to be the case. I was wrong in my cursory analysis.

It is more plausible that these +5's are ad hoc. Reasons:
1. They are sometimes +4!
2. They are not stated as "Remember to add..."
3. In several instances they involve spells like 'Flameshaft' being used.

Ad hoc bonuses for a particular discipline are a regular occurance throughout all the books. For instance I can remember Healing giving you a complete restoration of EPs on the sea voyage to Port Bax in Book 2, and Hunting regularly providing a CS bonus (or preventing CS loss) for the duration of a combat.

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