[projectaon] Re: Book 13 Erratum

  • From: Benjamin I Krefetz <krefetz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: projectaon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 12:38:16 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 15 May 2012, John TFS wrote:

Subject: [projectaon] Re: Book 13 Erratum
From: crusty.chris@xxxxxxxxx
To: projectaon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 12:33:42 +1200

On Mon, 2012-05-14 at 23:33 +0000, John TFS wrote:

A footnote could be included to mention the other Items.  My concept
was to balance the LW character with the New Order books for Project
Aon players.

Ah, I see.
Well I guess thats where we differ in opinion then.
I see the New Order book as a completely different series as there is no
interaction/continuation between veteran Lone Wolf characters and New
Order books (like Grey Star) and hence no reason to bring them into

Both series feature Kai Grandmasters as their viewpoint character, so there should be a degree of parity between them.

And this, overall, is the main point of my argument: parity. The person who put in the effort to play through all 12 of the previous books should be not be a Grandmaster through the technicality of possessing a bunch of Special Items than happen to raise his skill to Grandmaster level or devalue three Grandmaster Disciplines due to "hidden loyalty bonuses." At the same time, the Veteran should be able to find the GM books a relative challenge instead of cake-walking through them because of a massive Item-induced CS and EP.

So, yes, I pared down the Items. Of the six possible carryovers, four (Sommerswerd, Dagger of Vashna, Helshezag and the Jeweled Mace) get mentions at various points in the GM series. Of the other two, the Crystal Star is probably the first Special Item you get in the books and the Silver Bow is the "Sommerswerd" of Bows and deserves to stay. As for the four I removed, the Silver Helm was a nice minor magic item and the other three (Silver Bracers, Kagonite Chainmail and Korlinium Scabbard) were Items fairly specific to Book 12 and mostly there to help LW make it through the battles with Kraagenskul and, potentially, Taktaal and Gnaag.

I can see that the Silver Helm, Silver Bracers, and Kagonite Chainmail make LW a little munchkin-like, but why eliminate the Korlinium Scabbard? It only ever serves as flavor text anyway, and it's asked for in a few places like 17tdoi sect. 339.


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