[opendtv] Re: Users as Toast: The Blocking of Google TV

  • From: Cliff Benham <flyback1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 20:44:48 -0500

On 11/15/2010 6:40 PM, Craig Birkmaier wrote:

The quote from the French CSA spokesman says volumes.

"Tomorrow, Google will inform the viewers as to what TV programs to watch."

Tivo already does this. All of the popular search engines let you search for video. IT should be obvious that the congloms DO NOT want you to roam outside their walled gardens, where THEY tell you what to watch.

If you are referring to TiVo's pathetic "Suggestions from Tivo" I give it 5 thumbs down everytime, all the time
and it finally has gone away and not bothered me for months.

How can any one possibly know all my interests and what programs I might want to watch?

I watch ONLY what I want and when I want, not what anyone or anything suggests I should watch
and never the twain shall meet.

My suspicion is that TiVo's suggestions are made solely on how much money a program's viewing could make for them and the program supplier by having the greatest number of viewers, and are not in any way based on the educational, social or performance quality available in that program.

To Wit:
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars."

Who the HELL cares who is dancing and who is left? This program is promoted heavily by ABC and by all the ABC O/O stations AS "NEWS" during their national and local news shows. Since when is this inane program news? Fix the quality of the program and it won't need promotion during a news show. It will gather ratings on its own merits without any other help.

The last good program I watched was "South Pacific" on PBS Live from Lincoln Center in August.


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