[ncolug] Re: vm

  • From: Mike <mikeb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ncolug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2007 21:51:00 -0500

Chuck Stickelman wrote:
So what I hear you say is:
Hook the UPS to the physical machine
Have the host OS monitor the UPS's state
When the UPS signals the host it sends a SIGHUP to the Virtual Machines
The VMs should then interpret the SIGHUP as a Shutdown command

Is that what you had in mnd?

Does anyone know if that's how it works?



The signal may depend on the VM design though. I would hope they have used enough sense to honor some standard.

This really is a near trivial problem. The guests shutdown cleanly during a normal shutdown, yes? Why should a shutdown instituted by UPS software or even admin written (monitoring) scripts be any different?


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