[modeleng] Re: What's happening to the list?

  • From: Peter Harris <Peter.Harris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Terry Lane" <tel@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <modeleng@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 02 May 2005 08:00:12 +0200

I feel I have to register my objection to this posting. I resent being=20
compared to the Gestapo simply because I don't want to waste my time=20
opening, reading and deleting totally irrelevant messages, some of which=20
are no more than puerile rubbish.

As for adamant oppostion to off topic materiel killing lists, in my=20
experience it's the opposite that occurs - people get so sick reading=20
postings that have nothing to do with the stated aim that they think "Sod=20
this, I can't take it any longer, I'm leaving"


A 20:35 29/04/2005 +1000, Terry Lane a =E9crit :

>Yeah blokes, chalk up another victory for the OT Gestapo. Adamant=
>to off topic material has killed many a list and, sadly, this looks to be
>the case here as well.


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