[lit-ideas] Re: "Stand By Denmark" Rally

  • From: Omar Kusturica <omarkusto@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 09:11:41 -0800 (PST)

Is it that moderate/liberal Islamists don't speak, or
that some of us don't pay attention ? Of course, the
moderates and the liberals don't usually drive planes
into buildings so it's a bit more difficult for them
to get noticed. Also, we may have a problem of
definitions, i.e. if you consider anyone who doesn't
like the US occupation of Iraq to be a dangerous
radical, then there isn't much difference between
Osama Bin-Laden and Mike Geary. On a slightly more
serious note, some of them do also face repression or
censorship, for example in Mubarak's Egypt. There is
also the matter that proggressive-minded people like
Abdul-Karim Soroush of Iran are not usually identified
as Islamists but instead are presented as
Western-style liberals. (Soroush argues for greater
democratization and protection of personal freedoms,
but he himself is a devout Muslim and Islamic scholar,
and his arguments are formulated in Islamic terms.)

Rather than go on about trying to prove that America
exists, I think that I will just post some websites.
You will not find much enthusiasm for George W. Bush
on these websites, but you will find writings by
moderate and/or liberal Islamists.











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