[lit-ideas] Re: Ideology vs Experience

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 13:46:48 -0400

Eric to Simon: This is why we disagree on such issues. You see "an American Empire" in the making and oppose it. I don't see an emergent empire, or even the desire to have one.

Andy: But then, you thought Saddam was responsible for the WTC attacks. Annie Myelroie ...

Eric: It's Dr. Laurie Myleroie. Plus if you check the archives, you'll find that I did not say that she spoke the truth, but rather that her assertions -- that Saddam was complicit in the '93 and 9/11 attacks as a form of revenge for the Gulf War -- were interesting and worth reading.

But that's typical of you. You never pay attention to what people write, and once you have an imaginary prejudice embedded in your thoughts, it can never be dispelled.

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