[lit-ideas] Re: Gripes

  • From: Andy Amago <aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 19:29:36 -0400 (GMT-04:00)

-----Original Message-----
From: Scribe1865@xxxxxxx
Sent: Aug 22, 2004 12:19 AM
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Gripes

In a message dated 8/21/2004 11:40:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
Once we shut the door to Predation, we come home to ourselves by accepting 
our Gravity, which includes our obesity, and we achieve contentment.  

Pray tell how one achieves obesity without Predation? And assuming 
extraterrestrials force-fed you nutrients that didn't involve death on this 
planet, your 
merely "shutting the door" kills countless beastly animalcules, as Leewenhoek 
called them.

Predation, alas!

A.A.  Let me see if I can restate your point as I understand it.  In order for 
someone to become obese, they must by definition eat other life.  Most likely 
they will eat animal life along with plant life, and in large quantities.  
Therefore, predation in the truest sense is taking place when one is obese.  

Response: My original point was not about nutrition but about one's orientation 
to the world.  But let's take the nutrition first in any case.  Most people get 
fat eating large portions of empty calories (chips, fried mozarella sticks, 
dressings, cakes, you know the drill).  These foods have little to do with life 
except they taste good.  Overweight/obese people usually also don't exercise 
enough.  Then of course there are the more infrequent hormonal disturbances 
that result in obesity.  The bottom line: not a lot of predation going on here. 

The gravity, and for that matter the predation, comes in when people get fat, 
then hate themselves for it.  What I was getting at is that rather than do the 
self-rejecting appearances thing (prey on one's self in effect), one would shut 
the door to this, throw away the mirrors if necessary, and enjoy one's life and 
one's self, and find a partner who would do the same.  That, in my opinion, 
turns the sex that follows into a comfortable, fun experience devoid of the 
stress that comes from not having big enough breasts or penis or a too big 
stomach.  Very often, self acceptance results in the desire to promote one's 
health, which in turn leads to better appearance, but the appearance is a by 
product, not the goal.

I saw the movie House of Sand and Fog last night, and I liked it.  It is 
pertinent to this conversation because the theme of the story was the hazard of 
putting appearances first.  One of the reviewers said the story was about 
control.  I don't agree, especially in the sense they were using the word 
control, but in thinking about it, it occurred to me that when we keep up 
appearances, we try to control what someone, or even the world, thinks about 
us.  Control, as everyone (including the reviewer) knows, doesn't work.  

Regarding your point about Leewenhoek's animalcules, I think that refers to 
bacteria.  I don't quite follow what you mean by that.  

Practicing non-predatory eating,
Andy Amago

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