[lit-ideas] Re: Gripes

  • From: Michael Chase <goya@xxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 12:05:45 -0700

Le 20 ao=FBt 04, =E0 13:24, Mike Geary a =E9crit :

> EY:
>> 1. Given that many people often feel that life is hard to take: is
>> this inevitable or not? Do we *have* to feel this way, or is there an
>> option?
> I'm not sure what's given here.  What does "life is hard to take" =

.M.C. If you had read P Stone's original message with care, you=20
wouldn't have to ask this question. Read it again.
>> 2. If there *is* an option, shouldn't it be at least a major part of
>> philosophy's job to try to find ways of changing this situation?
> No.  It's not.  You might want it to be, but it ain't.

M.C. Sez you.
>> If it
>> refuses or fears to concern itself with such questions, doesn't
>> philosophy forfeit all claims to be taken seriously?
> No.  Philosophy is not art, it's not religion, it's not psychology. =20=

> I'm not
> sure what philosophy is, but it's not any of those things.

M.C. If you don't know what philosophy is, then how can you know what=20
it's not?

>   I think maybe
> the very last concern of philosophy would be how we feel about our=20
> lives.

M.C. Why is that?

> At least not in any Dr. Feelgood way.

M.C. I don't know what you mean by this.

> Philosophy is about thinking
> rationally -- maybe?  At least, that's how I see it, and that's why I
> chucked it, knowing I'd never succeed there.

M.C. Let me see if I get this straight.
1. You don't know what philosophy is, but
2. You know what it isn't,
--- and on the basis of this "knowledge"
3. You chucked it.

        That's all fine, but does it add up to a reason why why should =
your pronouncements about the nature of philosophy - what it *is* or=20
especially what it *is not* - seriously?

        What about if the philosophy you encountered, and which =
gave you your current idea of philosophy (confused as it is) - was=20
inadequate? Then the conception of philosophy you formed on its basis=20
would be inadequate, too, nicht wahr?

Michael Chase
7, rue Guy Moquet
Villejuif 94801

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