[lit-ideas] Gripes

  • From: Scribe1865@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 14:50:24 EDT

In a message dated 8/20/2004 1:34:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time, goya@xxxxxxx 
1. Given that many people often feel that life is hard to take: is 
this inevitable or not? Do we *have* to feel this way, or is there an
2. If there *is* an option, shouldn't it be at least a major part of=20
philosophy's job to try to find ways of changing this situation? If it
refuses or fears to concern itself with such questions, doesn't
philosophy forfeit all claims to be taken seriously?
Humanity has two major gripes: (1) Predation, and (2) Gravity. 

Predation = aggression, self-destructiveness, nasty bosses, eating spoiled 
oysters, governments, envy, advertising, resentment, exaggerated self-concepts, 
people who cut in lines, automobiles, etc.

Gravity = aging, exhaustion, wondering whether we "have" to feel this way, 
boredom, laziness, John Irving novels, greeting cards, the accumulation of dust 
in empty rooms, the inevitability of death, etc.

Mike is of course right that we should do something about this, starting now! 

Please Andreas, organize us into work groups, so we can not only experience 
predation (intergroup rivalry) and gravity (tedious meetings)
but also get a handle on these processes and get a quick fix in the pipeline.
Nothing at all will be attempted if all possible objections must first be 
Samuel Johnson


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