[lit-ideas] Re: Gripes

  • From: Andy Amago <aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 18:11:52 -0400 (GMT-04:00)

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Geary <atlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Aug 20, 2004 5:39 PM
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Gripes

Reading Andy A's response to my post, I can only assume that life along the
upper Hudson is different from that on the lower third of the Mississippi.

I said:
> I'm not sure what's given here.  What does "life is hard to take" mean?

To which Andy replied:
>>  I'll contemplate the answer as I wonder why are liquor companies among
the best stocks to buy. <<

But, I protest, it's not life that's hard to take, it's sobriety.  After two
or (depending on your history) twenty-two drinks, life if wonderfully easy
to take.  Sobriety's the bitch, not life.  Paul Stone's already told us why
sobriety's such a bitch, because she's so relentless in her demands.  Every
half second: "What now? What now?  What now?"  Who can blame anyone for
killing herself to escape that?  And you wonder why liquor companies are
among the best stocks to buy?  I'll tell you why, my friend, because
hallucinogens are illegal.  Life is not synonymous with sobriety.  Sobriety
sometimes helps us function within life's parameters, but the two should
never be confused.

A.A.  I'm going to have to defer judgment until I read the self-help book that 
Eric Yost is writing to get some answers.  It's called Everything You Ever 
Wanted to Know about Gravity, Predation, Sobriety and Life but Were Afraid to 

>> A.A.  Personally, I think our problems are too much food; too much money,
or at least too much crap shoved at us that requires money; and too much
sex. <<

That's gripe # 134, 147, 181.  In the technologically undeveloped world, the
average annual income is equal to what an American lawyer charges for one
hour's consultation.  We're talking humanity here, not the U.S. gluttonous,
greed-dripping, pornification corporate executive wage scale.  Most of the
world goes to bed hungry.  I can only hope the sex is good.  Too much, too
much, too much is parochial, parochial, parochial.

A.A. Except that most of the world doesn't go to bed hungry.  Some do, but at 
worst most go to bed without a quart of Hagen Daaz.  And they're looking for 
sex too.  In fact, sex is a much bigger industry in most of the world than it 
is here.  So, you're wrong, wrong, wrong.  

>> Good sex, or rather the search for it (all around you, take a look), is
another distraction.  You say, all we can do is bitch.  Is that inconsistent
with your first statement, What does "life is hard to take" mean?  I'd like
to meet the person who isn't looking for good sex.  Know anybody? <<

M.G. No, I didn't say "or rather the search for it", I said "GOOD SEX".   Good
sex isn't "another distraction", it's THE distraction.  Why the hell do you
think there are so goddamn many people in the world?  Because of Paul
Stone's bitch sobriety.  Obviously.

A.A. What's the difference between good sex and the search for good sex?  What 
do you think the problem is that nobody has any?  What do they have to do to 
get it?  Do they know it when they get it?  Does it taste like chicken?

MG. If you're hungry, what pops first into your mind?  Eating.
If you're bored, what pops first into your mind?  Fucking.  (well, into
guy's minds anyway, who knows what women think when they're bored -- women
might, but they never let on so as we guys can know).

A.A.  I'm too boring to ever be bored, so I can't answer that.  

M.G. And so there you have it.  I'm right.  You're wrong.

A.A.  You're right, but only in your wet dreams.  Maybe.  

Andy Amago

Mike Geary
on the Mississippi

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