[lit-ideas] Re: Do You Have a Moral Urgency?

  • From: "Simon Ward" <sedward@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 18:24:21 +0100

A caricature?

Why certainly. I'm a unrelenting, unapologetic Marxian called Simon, though just how that would be portayed might well depend on how you view my blog pic.

What's interesting is the seriousness and meticulous analysis of your usage as though, when responding to Judy, you'd already guaged the exact measure and tone of your words.

Really, Phil? Really really?

I always love this kind of analytic retrospective, especially as applied to one's own work. 'Actually I meant it this way', 'You shouldn't read more into it', 'I was only...' etc etc.

To me it looked like a 'from the hip' counter, always the most revealing and to use a phrase like 'unwashed Arab masses' nailed it for me. Similar to, but not the same as, your responses to Omar which, as I see them, are framed according to your prime directive which is that you do not like the man and therefore everything he says must be wrong. Phil, there's not much room between hatred of a person and hatred of a race, especially when you don't really know who you are hating.

Why it is sad (this for Lawrence as well), is because you're an intelligent person. Racism doesn't suit you Phil. It really doesn't.

Perhaps you should repent...he babbled.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Phil Enns" <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 5:49 PM
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Do You Have a Moral Urgency?

Simon Ward wrote:

"It comes down to writing generalised phrases without thought."

Again, wrong.  Generalizations are fine as long as one doesn't attempt
to draw more meaning from them than is fitting.  I wrote about the
'unwashed Arab masses' and as a generalization it has as much meaning as
my point drew from it.  Not more, not less.  Only a sloppy reader would
take from the phrase a meaning regarding Arabs in general.  Are you a
sloppy reader, Simon?

Simon wrote:

"Now if I were to warble on about 'moneygrabbing Jews', Stan would be
down on me like a thunderclap."

And rightfully so.  What on earth would lead you to say such a thing?
Are you anti-Semitic, Simon?

Simon concludes:

"Or are you in denial Phil?"

I love seeing this rhetorical move in action.  It has that 'Stopped
beating your wife yet?' quality.  A bit much, though, combined with the
'You are a racist!' stuff.  It's a matter of focus.  Do you want people
to focus on your 'Racist!' hand-waving spiel or the psycho-babble?  I
don't think it works if you have both.  Eric knows more about writing so
he might correct me.  However, it works if you are Omar or Amago, but
they are caricatures.  Are you a caricature, Simon?

Less sincerely, but entertained nevertheless,

Phil Enns
Toronto, ON

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