[openbeos] Re: Couple of non-sequiters

  • From: Helmar Rudolph <helmar@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 23:12:25 +0200

Rob Tijssen wrote:

> damn .. this should be offlist ... sorry ... my mistake...

No mistake, Rob, because you spelt it out just like it is.
The community has divergent opinions, and in this thread
they all came out.

Many people get pissed off by it under the stupid guise of
it being off-topic. But it's probably those very same folks
who have a rather narrow horizon themselves, and anything
outside of their opinion and comfort zone gets attacked -
in fact, it has to be. 

There is IMO __no difference whatsoever__ between a misguided
economic rant and a message like this:

        Look ma, ascii graphics!


Just one of many dozens on this list. That message should
have been off-list too, so all those sitting in glass houses,
keep the stones to yourself, breathe deeply, and get a life.
A mailing list is not your personal playground, nor do all
people agree with your opinions. If you don't like it,
ignore it. If it becomes too much for you, unsubscribe. But
the latter option by definition also prevents you from
expanding your horizon, and looking at this list, there are
a lot of folks who'd do well with a bit of "horizon
expanding" treatment.

/me is just relaxed and takes openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
messages as they were before. No need to get upset or
irritated. And if it really gets too bad, one message will
stop it all.

My final 0.02 on the childish behaviour of some posters here...


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