[geocentrism] Re: Fruitless arguments

  • From: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2004 09:10:52 +0100

Philip wrote:

> How true Mike. But I think you label yourself wrongly as a devout atheist.
> Agnostic may be a fairer title.

Yes, theorectically I am an agnostic as my belief in there being no God 
must be faith as there is no way of proving this.  But by the same token 
I would say everyone is agnostic.  I know people with faith will argue 
that this isn't true, but purely from my perspective as a non believer 
that is the only conclusion I can consistently draw.  For all intents 
and purposes though, I am an atheist, I really do believe there is no 
God with (I believe) as much conviction as anyone else believes there is 

> But true science if it is to arrive at truth cannot be exclusive can it?

Um, no, but I don't know what you're getting at.

> I
> remember as a youth, reading of a university, Duke Uni I think, that had set
> up a department on the paranormal.  Can't help thinking, if the paranormal
> was real, then it would be normal wouldn't it?  Like the so called
> supernatural.  If the evidence supported the existence of these phenomena,
> can physics claim to be true science if it excludes them?

I agree entirely, I have often used this line of reasoning with people 
who believe in astrology, psychic powers etc.

> I guess you can see my connection here in regard to the geocentric question
> and exclusion. Telepathy is not Radio, or is it precogniscence?

Um, no, maybe I'm a bit dense today but the only connection I see is 
that your reasoning about the paranormal and supernatural equally 
applies to religion.


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