[geocentrism] Bible Geocentrism - The Earth is NOT Moving!!

  • From: Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 17:58:06 -0700 (PDT)

FYI to all,
I have not forgoten the poles thingy( i got Paul's diagram I requested, thanks 
again Paul)...... .........i'm just "swampt" right now....

--- On Sat, 10/4/08, Neville Jones <njones@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: Neville Jones <njones@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Bible Geocentrism - The Earth is NOT Moving!!
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008, 5:01 PM

-----Original Message-----
From: pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Sun, 5 Oct 2008 09:00:39 +1000

Bernie, the enemy thinks that if the lie is repeated for ever, it will be 
believed eventually... I do not approve of this same method for the promotion 
of truth.  
Whilst I sympathise with the principle, I must insist this article below  be re 
written in real science terms if it is to hold much value.  Saying this 
concerning the speed around the sun .
One would think such speeds would flap one's collar a little 
is simply not true . You have already acknowledged that one cannot detect speed 
or direction in a jet liner whether it is doing 200 or 2000 mph. There is in 
space nothing to flap your collar..  no wind..  
One more ...  
"Multiple experiments have shown the Earth to be stationary."

Might I suggest changing the words of this statement to
"Multiple experiments have consistently failed to demonstrate the Earth's 
alleged motion around the Sun."  ?


Actually other than the controversial Aether wind experiment , there are more 
experiments to prove the earth rotates..  Let me name just one. (Nearly all the 
experiments show that something is rotating diurnally, but then we knew that 

A high speed gyroscopic flywheel axis vertical at any latitude close to the 
equator , will rotate exactly 1 revoluttion in 24 hours, as it opposes the 
earths movement which atempts to make it change orientation.  The same flywheel 
if axis mounted horizontal at the poles, will likewise rotate 1 revolution per 
24 hours as it opposes the rotation of the ground beneath it. .  
A gyroscope is an elementary instrument for demonstrating motion and direction, 
used quite successfully in vehicle navigation.  Their reading  must be 
corrected for this change of position caused during the 24 hour cycle of the 
earths rotation. 
This has to be explained by some new theory of inertia/flywheels if one wants 
to claim the earth is not moving.  
We may do this by use of the aether, but this is just as presumptious as is the 
contrary view. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Bernard Brauer 
To: cdnet@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 8:04 AM
Subject: Bible Geocentrism - The Earth is NOT Moving!!

"There is something about Space that 'THEY' don't want you to KNOW."     
The Earth is NOT Moving!! - The Cosmic Fight to the Death between two RELIGIOUS 
Creation Scenarios ( Creation by Satan's Evolution vs. Creation by God's Word ).
True, NON-HYPOTHETICAL Science ( observational data, our senses, physical 
experiments, and logic ) CONTRADICTS the assertions of Mainstream Science's 
existing FRAUD-RIDDEN, Unscientific, State-funded Model of the Universe derived 
from the Mystical Zohar/Kabbala of the Pharisee religion. Moreover, the 
Intelligible Christian Bible's Voluntarily-funded Geocentric/Geostatic Model of 
the Universe proclaims: The Sun Orbits the Earth Daily and The Earth is NOT 

* "There is NO proof that the Earth rotates on an "axis" daily and orbits the 
sun annually.
* All calculations for eclipses, the space program, navigation, satellite 
movements - anything that demands precision and accuracy - are based on a 
non-moving Earth. Boiled down, heliocentric math is the same as Geocentric [ 
also called Geostatic ] math.
* NO EXPERIMENT HAS SHOWN THE EARTH TO BE MOVING ( much less at 30 times rifle 
bullet speed in solar orbit and at 250 times RBS around a galaxy. One would 
think such speeds would flap one's collar a little even
if the "science" establishment says no! )
* Multiple experiments have shown the Earth to be stationary.

* Revisionist history reveals the roles that Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, 
Newton, Einstein, Sagan et al have played in foisting this LIE on mankind.
* The logic against a moving Earth is overpowering.
* WORLD-CLASS astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle said take your pick between the two 
* Copernicanism paved the way for Darwinism ( which then spawned Marxism, 
Freudism, Einsteinism and Saganism. )
* Star speeds are not a problem when the thickness of the universe is seen to 
be what it really is, that is, LESS than half a light day thick ( eight billion 
mile radius ).
* NASA's space program is labelled "Origins Research" and costs taxpayers 
mega-bucks. Computerized telescopes are programmed to send back "synthesized 
images". The "image warper" permits "geometric transformations" while "origins 
technology... configures the multiple small mirrors..."  in these telescopes.
Talk about a con job!
* The Bible says The Earth is NOT Moving and cannot be moved. What'll it be 
folks? False science as the source of absolute truth . . . or God's Word?"  
Marshall Hall
L:  Earth is stationary due to perfectly balanced Interactive Electromagnetic 
R: The sun's path, fixed within the rotating firmament, spiral-orbits the Earth 
north-south and clockwise from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn 
in six months and then alters course laterally to spiral-orbit south-north and 
clockwise for the next six months. Seasons result from the yearly helical 
oscillation of the sun's path around the untilted stationary Earth.
Go here for more info: [ http://sites.google.com/site/earthdeception by Bernard 
Brauer ]
 Turn to page 2>>> 
                                                                   Page 2:
One's Belief About the Origin and Structure of the Universe is the Foundation 
                                         all of One's Knowledge.

* Geocentrism ( GC; also called Geostatic ) = nonrotating Earth, Spherical 
Earth, nonorbiting Earth, no "axial tilt" of Earth, sun spiral-orbits Earth; 
stars orbit Earth. Universe has Earth as center, is small ( can be as low as 
500,000 mile radius ), young and created by God. Derived from Bible 
Christianity. Studies and experiments mostly voluntarily financed by Family 
paycheck ( "human creationism" ), creating good "karma" or 
God's Spiritual Blessings, resulting in Research and Education Truths.
* Heliocentrism ( HC ) = rotating Earth, Spherical Earth, orbiting Earth, Earth 
has "axial tilt", Earth orbits sun; stars stationary to Earth. Universe is 
acentric ( AC = no center ), large, old and created by itself ( LOL!!! ). 
Derived from Kabbala Pharisaism. Studies and experiments mostly coercively 
financed by State taxpayer ( "human destructionism" or "theftism" because all 
State taxation is theft ), creating bad "karma" or God's Spiritual Curses, 
resulting in Research and Education Lies.
- Question: Why is it ( proving a stationary Earth ) important? Answer: A 
stationary Earth = nightly stars rotation = no 14 billion light year radius of 
universe = no 14 billion year age of universe = destroys time needed 
for evolution myth = restores Bible credibility = belief in afterlife with 
system of rewards and punishments = existing "crime" ( sin ) rate collapses.
- "Discarding Newton's seemingly innocuous inverse-square formula for gravity 
would have enormous consequences for the entire Earth, because with it goes the 
'Big Bang' absurdity and the whole of secular cosmology ( which the idea of 
organic evolution requires in order to sanctify the notion that anything is 
possible given enough time ). With no publicly-perceived scientific credibility 
to bolster it anymore, the prevailing Western religion of  naturalistic 
atheistic humanism must then likewise collapse."  Neville T. Jones
- Six INCORRECT beliefs: (i and ii) The Earth is flat or rotates; (iii) The 
atmosphere is "velcroed" to the Earth; (iv) Gravity is 'pull' and not 'push'; 
(v) There is mutual attraction between objects; (vi) The idea of 
heliocentricity is not religious.
- "As for Einstein, if you want to believe that lengths shrink when an 
object moves, time changes in the process, and its mass increases, just so you 
can explain the anomalies of Michelson's experiment, that's your privilege, 
but I'd just assume to answer it by saying that mass, time and length stay the 
same and the Earth isn't moving, and I'm just as "scientific" as you for saying 
so."  Robert Sungenis
Statement:  "It's just a bunch of Christian Propaganda"; "I'm not religious, 
I'm an atheist, I just believe in science".    Response:  EVERYONE has a 
God/god/g-d; either themselves ( humanism ), impersonal evolutionary forces 
( scientism ), The State, Satan, Oprah ( occultism ), or ........... The 
Creator God of the Christian Holy Bible. EVERYONE is religious - a religion is 
a set of beliefs about morals and about the origin of the universe. The 
RELIGIONS of Naturalistic Atheistic Humanism, Organic Evolutionism, Satanism, 
Guruism and ESPECIALLY Statism ( "Governmentism" ) have caused more deaths than 
anything else. True unhijacked-by-the-state Bible Christianity has not caused a 
single war death - EVER! Christian Truths counteract PROPAGANDA ( like 
heliocentricity ) from those latter six RELIGIONS, among others, that many 
people ( who incorrectly say they are not religious ) now follow. Anti-church, 
pro-God, pro-Bible page HERE.

Moving-Earth DECEPTION!  Click on topic: [ Latest, Allen Daves, Marshall Hall, 
Q&A, Quotes,

2, 3, 4, Foucault Pendulum, Gravity, Relativity, Rotation, Satellite, Sun's 
State Scientism, Critics, Books-etc. ]
( Negative Parallax, Airy's Experiment, Restoring Forces, Schroter's Effect } 
by Neville Jones.
( Amazing and unique to Geocentrism is the Flower Pattern of Mars, Jupiter and 
Saturn } by Steven Jones.
Geobounded Universe.  Extra - ( Dinosaur Lie, Mars Lie, Money Lie, Moon Lie, 
911 Lie }  HERE.
        Go here for more info: [ http://sites.google.com/site/earthdeception by 
Bernard Brauer ]

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