[Wittrs] Re: Current Brain Research: Causal Model?

  • From: "gabuddabout" <gabuddabout@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrsamr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 22:47:52 -0000

Stuart writes:

"Now that's the question, isn't it? [How does the brain cause an idea?]
 Of course we don't know but asking it is part
of the research project into how brains do what they do. Dennett's answer, that
brains operate much like computers running a complex of multiple programs, is
one answer. Searle's answer, that brains just do it through something to do with
the special chemistry and organization that characterizes them, on the other
hand, strikes me as a non-answer."

That just sounds awefully stupid.  It is supposed to be a start, for one.  
Can't blame him for not having the answer too!  Oh how the standards change! 
See below where the standards are dumbed down.

And as far as Dennett is concerned, he was motivated to the study of strong AI 
via Wittgensteinian criteriological considerations, not by the idea that brains 
seem to operate like computers.

Indeed, the very idea that you don't have to look at brains to do strong AI was 
just ducky.

But I see why you would mindlessly spew something about Searle's sane proposal 
as a nonanswer.  It is because you are so used to them and have been benighted 
by the dumbing down computer culture that's just so hip.


Tower of Power.  "What is Hip?"


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