[techtalk] Re: Core 2 motherboard recommendation?

  • From: "Andrew Davidson" <andrew@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <techtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 09:32:38 -0000

----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Hurst" <tom.hurst@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <techtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 2:25 PM
Subject: [techtalk] Re: Core 2 motherboard recommendation?

I dunno, their ethernet is closed crap, their SATA's poorly documented,
and the power consumption figures don't seem to be impressing anyone
these days.  I have been all-nVidia for the past few years, so I'm sure
they're not terrible, but Intel seem to have a better reputation for,
er, Intel.

Do you write drivers for Ethernet or SATA? I don't see how either are an issue - they both work with supplied drivers. Unless you're running Linux, then I'll take your point that Intel would probably be better supported.

It's not PCI that worries me, it's Silicon Image (and similar dodgy
manufacturers) and their broken chipsets.  I do occasionally like to be
able to DMA more than 64k at a time without half the bits flipping.

I've not seen a SiI chipset since my DFI Lanparty nF3-250GB board, and the SiI only ran the second pair of SATAs off the chipset. All the modern chipsets have 4 or 6 SATA native to the southbridge.

Ugh.  Angled connectors, I completely fail to see how they're a good
idea, except maybe in a roomy EATX case.  Which isn't completely out of
the question..

Also, no ECC memory support on those according to Scan.  Do nVidia not
support that on these chipsets?

Why do you even need ECC? Memory is more expensive, and are you really doing anything so critical that normal RAM (you know, the stuff just about everyone outside of big-end workstations and servers use) isn't good enough?

You've had my recommendations, but it seems you know more about what you want, so...


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