[tcb] Re: Rust Bullet

  • From: Mark Sawyer <mechmark@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2005 07:52:22 -0800 (PST)

It was warm here Saturday and Sunday but it's suppose to be in the 30's 
tonight. Cold weather does make it rough to work in the garage. 

Denis Dodson <coocoo@xxxxxxx> wrote:          I don't have any heat in the 
garage where I work on the bus and the directions say not to apply it below 50 
degrees, and my parabolic heater, roaring all day only brought the temp up to 
51. So Saturday the temps here skyrocketed into the sixties and it was warmer 
outside than in, so I moved the bus into the sun. While it was completely still 
when I started spraying, immediately after I began the wind picked up enough to 
blow around the thin plastic I was using to mask.
  But I got it done and it does look good and it dried by evening. Dan will 
have the before and after pics.

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